YouTube videos that show how to transfer files to SSD on DMP-A6

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Bill Mac, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    Are there any in-depth YouTube videos that show how to transfer files to SSD on DMP-A6?

    The tutorials on the Eversolo site would be helpful. But the "Support" panel on the right blocks part of the screen. I'm not the most tech savvy but I can't seem to figure out how to get that window to go away.
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    I don’t think that menu ‘goes away’…

    But if you know how to ‘copy/paste’ between two folders, you could just transfer files from PC to USB stick and insert into the top USB port of A6.

    Under ‘Files’ on A6 screen, choose your newly added USB stick and copy your folders of choice. Then go to Internal SSD and paste the folders into the correct folder of your choice.

    Here some basic screen shots for (some) guidance…

    IMG_0344.jpeg IMG_0347.jpeg IMG_0349.jpeg
    Bill Mac and zipe like this.
  3. 1piotr13

    1piotr13 Member

    Is it possible to connect PC directly via USB to DMP-A6 and transfer files and folders with music that way?
  4. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think so, but you could also try SMB.

    On Windows machines open network, folder or browser and search for \\IPaddress

    and then just click until you find your internal SSD and the folder you want to transfer to.

    Bill Mac likes this.
  5. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    @Bergholdt thanks so much once again for all your help... much appreciated!
    1piotr13 likes this.
  6. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    Yes it certainly is. Connect the top OTG port to your PC with the OTG setting at PC rather than mass storage in the A6 settings. Then in File Explorer you should be able to see all connected drives over USB, there will be two for your A6, one the default internal storage that your A6 uses, the other will be any SSD drive that you have installed into the A6. Because this is a direct wired connection over USB3, you can move a lot of files and folders around at speed. The SMB network route also works fine but will be a bit slower as it involves your network. I have used both without issues.
    1piotr13 likes this.
  7. 1piotr13

    1piotr13 Member

  8. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    Today after numerous misfires I figured out how to transfer files from an attached hard drive to the internal SSD. Did about 20-30 DSF stereo files and tonight I'm going to select the rest and let it run overnight.

    Can one transfer a large number of files to the SSD without any issues? Thought it'd be good to ask in case there could be issues doing large file transfers. The time it takes isn't an issue just didn't want to screw anything up.

    Thanks again for all your help!
  9. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    If you are doing large numbers of file transfers, I would turn off the automatic updating of sources feature under Settings first. Otherwise the system may be trying to update while you are doing the transfers and at least certainly in the early days this caused crashes for me when doing file intensive stuff. It will also improve the overall responsivity of the system. You can always turn it back on after your big file transfer tasks are complete.
    Bill Mac likes this.
  10. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    The most I ever did was about 25GB but I don’t see why more would be a problem…
    Bill Mac likes this.
  11. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    Thanks for that suggestion. Where is that setting? I was just looking through the settings menus and did not see a setting for automatic updates.
  12. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Front screen:

    Music / Settings (cog wheel top right) / Scan
    Bill Mac likes this.
  13. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    Awesome... thanks! Was able to locate the setting and it was off.
  14. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    Well more good news! I was able to transfer all of my stereo and multichannel DSF files to the internal SSD. There were a few glitches but they were all due to a few files not transferring. I deleted the original files and ripped the SACDs again. That did it on a few that got hung up. The more I get familiar with the DMP-A6 the more I enjoy it. Thanks to all of those that posted their thoughts and advice!
    Jjb067 and Nutul like this.

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