Hi to all, In settings-> storage, i see that the internal storage size is only 4.46 GB. Is it normal or my system has a problem? Thanks.
No es un error. En realidad esa es la memoria interna que es gratis. Y lo peor de todo es que no se puede expandir con tarjetas micro SD o USB.
Thanks, in my case, in settings-> storage and USB, I see 3.29GB used of 4.46GB. I think i should see 3.29GB used of 8GB... Is that wrong?
Tested on X8 and works great, follow the next instrucctions: Remove all partitions from sd card, so its completely unallocated (with minitool for ex). Flash box to original 1.2.6 image, and dont upgrade. Turn off box en remove usb stich with image. (so nothing attached) Turn box back on and dont run settings or upgrade. Insert sd card and go directly to settings. Go to usb / storage and click on bottom , tells unsupported sd card and run it as internal. Ignore speed errors, if you dont see the card unplug and insert again until you see it. (sometimes 3x ?) For asking to transfer files say also yes ! ( so kodi can use it) Wait until finished en reboot. Now its part of the total memory ! Upgrade throught ota en then to desired firmware. Do not run factory settings or sd card will be lost again.! Good luck.
Hi, i finally was able to use microsd as internal storage using adb sm commands. I hope this info can be useful for someone. Note: I'm using the 1.4.12 firmware.