I just have this problem suddenly no display at all and my tv show no signal. Before this happen i watching tv series with 4k 25hz. And 1 minutes before its happen. The tv seems changing resolution off and on several times then bam no signal. Habe tried 3 different hdmi cables all is same no signal. How can i fix this ? I got my x20 pro from ziddoo official store in taobao but i live in south asia i cant shipped back to china it will cost me very much
In my setting i set automatic frame setting. So when the movie files is 30hz . The tv will switch off and on . Just like this switch of and on several times before it lost signal forever . Plz help me this x20pro cost me alot now i cant use it
update , i tried using composite video cable it can show display, reset anything to default, change to hdmi again no success still no signal also tried to flash firmware 1.2.28 , flash success but still hdmi no signal only can use composite video is my hdmi port broken? please help
the hdmi port didnt show any damage, iam very sure i never plug out my hdmi cable until now , so iam sure there is no physical damage on the port, seem like the hdmi ic is broken
hi, Sorry to hear about your problem i should contact's zidoo customer service it's the only thing to do when all others things haven't brought a solution. They can have a look to it. Good luck !
will try that , i just cant believe after owning x9s for one year no problem , even buying another z9s, the one that got this big problem is the most expensive ones, if these happens to my x9s i will not feel very regret like this x20 pro
try to check this threat, seems similar issue http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...dmi-after-change-resolution-on-the-fly.10811/
i have checked that thread, thanks seems like mine is also have board issue , iam so hopeless now i buy this in taobao china, now if i have to shipped there again and shipped back the cost will about half the x20pro price , so unlucky me .
Obviously, your video card just burned. You should replace main board. And don't worry, it's absolutely normal thing with Zidoo products, especially the most expensive X20/X20 pro... X20Pro died twice with me. But I was happy to deal with honest internet shop, they replaced equipment for their cost. In your case it may be hard task - be ready to hear from Zidoo's official store, what it "is very difficult. I don't think we deserve to spend too much resources on this".
Hi sugiharto, are you from indonesia? if yes, try to contact nmtindo, they have store in Jakarta. I bought from them, they might able to help or shipping back..comparing the cost and benefit, i think it is worth to ship back and get replacement. Now, i think many user are worrying if it impact their device.
Hi rkan, anyway to know that the device is affected to this issue except try to use chnaging resolution on the fly.
Believe me, the replacement only As I said before, all X20/X20-pro main boards from the first consignment are defective - their HDMI microchip breaks when user try to watch movies with a high bitstream, usually 3D movies (source: personal experience).
Zidoo service team have email me they want to make sure what the problem is so i will send some video to them. Thanks zidoo hope this problem will solved
please let us informed Sugiarto79...@rkann, anyway identify it by the serial number or similar to know the affected batch? i bought mine on aug 2018, i believe it could be similar batch or first batch.
All I know I said here http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...hange-resolution-on-the-fly.10811/#post-45370 Sorry, no serial numbers, empirical way only.