X10 ehernet don`t connect 1gbit

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by dasus, Feb 19, 2023.

  1. dasus

    dasus New Member

    Hi everyone.

    I have this problem:
    Yesterday i change the switch from 100mbit to switch 1000mbit.
    Other device in network work on 1000vbst ok.
    X10 starts on 1000mbit (flash lights orange) after 5-8 seconds it drops connect, than it also connect 1000mbit and after 10cek link is down and up as 100mbit.
    I dp the next and no use, all the same:
    - schange RJ45
    - try another cable that 100% work.
    - try plug X10 on 1 meter cable biside switch
    - I set up all to default
    - i install latest firmware 2.1.45

    May be someone have the same problem?


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