X10 availability in the US?

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by ursiel, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. ursiel

    ursiel Active Member

    If I was interested in buying the X10, where could I buy one if I'm in the US? Amazon.uk is way too expensive with the currency conversion, and they won't ship this item to the US anyways. The US Amazon doesn't sell it. Where is there a reputable, trustworthy shop I can buy this from that has a reasonable return policy in case it doesn't work out for me?
  2. JJKK

    JJKK Member Beta test group

  3. ursiel

    ursiel Active Member

    Not really. I saw that - 1 available, and it ships from a 3rd party seller. At least the x9s ships from Amazon direct, sold from a 3rd party. I'm not even ready to buy yet, as I've asked some questions in another thread before I make any decisions. That x10 likely won't be there by the time I'm ready to buy.
  4. JJKK

    JJKK Member Beta test group

    Contact Sales and ask when Amazon will be getting new stock.. sales@zidoo.tv
  5. ursiel

    ursiel Active Member

    Thank you. I wasn't aware they sold direct on Amazon. I'll send an email. Thanks again.
  6. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    It's sold thru Amazon by "ZidooDirect";

    This is their 'statement' in Amazon;
    I scanned thru the reviews thru the seller (not Amazon) and most of the negative were delivery issues which Amazon claimed responsibility.
    The other negative reviews were issues with the unit itself. For the most part I don't believe 5 star reviews, they lack credibility AFAIC.
  7. TEAfest

    TEAfest Member

    Im sorry, I buy my zidoo for aliexpress from China
    did you buy anything on Ali?
    do they have delivery to the states?

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