Well, I've managed to completely fill my internal 4TB SSD. I have just a few GB of free space left. This leaves me with no capacity to add to my library internally within the DMP-A6. I'll pose this question to the IT and DMP-A6 gurus. Is the 4TB maximum capacity of the internal SDD an Android OS volume size limit or a hardware limit in the DMP-A6? Also if the volume size limit is 4TB would it be possible to install an 8TB SSD and have 2 x 4TB partitions and it still work with access to both partitions? And before anyone asks - NO I don't want to have to access files from my NAS over the network or via an external USB drive plugged into the back of the DMP-A6.
Wow! What have you got, something like 100K tracks? The hardware limit was initially set to 2T, then changed to 4T (so it could be a "software" limit). What I would do is try to format a new 8T NVMe with EXT4 partition (Android's underlying Linux can recognize it) and see if it works. This of course will leave you with the only possibility to save files onto it via SMB (if you are on Windows). A Linux PC could, OTOH, allow you to use a USB enclosure and use it directly connected to the PC to transfer files faster; and then move it back to the A6. Of course you can always try to install an 8T one and try to format it directly on the A6, and see what the result is... I still fail to understand why you wouldn't use also an external USB drive, though... it will be at the back of the A6 and not bother you that much... Also consider, that as you filled up a 4T, sooner or later you'll end up with the 8T full too, it's just a matter of time... A NAS is the best solution in your situation.
The Eversolo doesn’t seem to support any of the EXT partitions. At least with external USB drives, i doubt it would be any different with internal drives
It is a Linux, and it should. My china phone did support Ext3 for sure, back in 2011... You may try with Ext3 first. They have a stripped version of Android running on the A6/A8, but I doubt they removed things at kernel level...
It doesn’t, i tested it. No EXT at all. Apparently they did remove things. I also posted the result in another thread specific for SSD
The DMP-A6 only allows ex-FAT and NTFS for the internally installed SSD. In formatting my internal SSD I chose NTFS as it gave the least resistance to formatting. For some unknown reason my Crucial P3 didn't want to play the game with ex-FAT, however this was back with firmware V1.1.40?? Maybe something has changed under V1.2.50? Not keen on external USB connected HHD. Also I already have an external USB CD/DVD ROM drive connected and the DMP-A6 needs an external 5v PSU connected to the CD/DVD ROM drive to function so I'm guessing the current drain on the USB ports is already maxed out. Another is reliability of external USB HDDs. Recently had a WD 5TB drive die without warning and lost all the data. It had only about 200 - 300 hours of power on time. Confidence level on reliability of these drives is low. Plus when I was accessing files with the DMP-A6 via the USB port it was as slow as a wet week compared to the internal SSD. Yes, I have a lot of music. Approximately 1.2TB at CD quality; 152GB DSD 2ch; 68GB DSD MCH; 9.5GB DTS; 29GB Flac; 300GB Hi-Res 2ch WAV; 690GB Hi-Res MCH WAV; 1.24TB SACD ISO files = about 3.688TB that is already ripped and the DMP-A6 has a reported capacity of 3.726TB, so not much space left. Still have all these boxes of CDs left to rip. One of the reasons for buying the DMP-A6 was the inconvenience of having to find the physical media to play it. Even though I used to be very disciplined in keeping them in alphabetical order it's still a pain looking for the title let alone trying to remember on which disc the song resides.
I don't see a technical reason why > 4 Tbyte SSD won"t work. It is just not tested. My guess is the > 16 TByte problem is not not even there.
It would be great to know if 8 TB SSDs are working, but it is not worthwhile to buy an expensive 8 TB SSD only for trying and then to find out that it is not working.