Why Doesn't The Music Function Scrape Album Covers?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Jazz Fiend, Nov 18, 2023.

  1. Jazz Fiend

    Jazz Fiend New Member

    I am a new Zidoo user formerly a Zappiti user. I really like the Zidoo music player but there is one thing I think Zidoo could do to make it even better. That is to scrape album covers from the internet for music in the music player. I have an android app on my phone that does this for the ripped music I store on my phone. The app is about 98% or better accurate at getting the album cover for the album from somewhere on the internet. I have no idea where the data is coming from. If Zidoo added this kind of feature to the music player I think it would be really awesome. I am also a big fan of Roon. Making my Z2600 a Roon Ready endpoint would also be awesome. I know previous Zidoo players had this functionality and I am hoping my Z2600 will soon as well. Roon would also provide album covers for most music in my collection.
  2. Do150

    Do150 New Member

    Zidoo's music player is nothing short of useless, I'm using a older box (X9S) with version 5.0 and its crap!

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