What is situation with BD-ISO menus (and remote question)

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X8' started by Zammo, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Zammo

    Zammo New Member

    I am someone who hopes to become a X8 customer very soon. Can I ask some questions below ? Thanks.

    1. Does it have the exact same features as the X9S ? I realise it has less storage space, no SATA, a lesser antenna and plastic instead of aluminium. But is it identical in GUI, menus, features, and so on ?

    2. Do the X8, X9s, X10 all use the same firmware ?

    3. What is the current situation with blu-ray ISO menus ? I am moving from a Dune HD which plays BD ISO menus perfectly. Will I get the same quality and service with the Zidoo X8 ? My old Dune can't play 4K hence me moving on to a new player. Also does it play DVD ISO menus fine ?

    4. Does the X8 remote have a stop button ? For some reason no Kodi remotes have a stop button and it is really annoying as the video stays playing on the menu without it. If it doesn't have a stop button can it be programmed to ? Also is there any logical reason most remotes no longer have a stop button ?

    5. How does the Zidoo media player look and work ? Is there a Youtube video of it in action ? All the videos I see seem to concentrate on Kodi, where-as I am interested in the built in player.

    Thanks all !!
  2. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    1) yes, same thing ( without what you mentioned )
    2) 99% the same, But will have to flash the firmware specific for your box( you cant flaxh x9s or x10 firmware )
    3)there was allot of work with blu-ray ISO menu done under zidoo media center, from small number of tests i done, it works good
    4) it has a pause/play button. No stop
    5) Actually it works good and look somewhat better than kodi default player ( https://www.facebook.com/hepengroc/videos/738248386331477/ small older video of bluray menu )
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017

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