Webview Implementation

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X7' started by Sal, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Sal

    Sal New Member

    According to android, Android >=7 is supposed to be taking webview from the installed chrome browsers, if there are several (dev, beta, stable) one can choose via "settings>developer options>webview implementation"


    On the x7 v1.2.6 the "Webview Implementation" doesn't present any options other than "Android Webview" even though qualifying chrome browsers are installed.

    The issue for me is that I'm using an app that depends on webview and some of the bugs fixed in recent versions (=>57) and the currently installed webivew is v55.

    Even installing a newer Android System Webview app doesn't seem to be recognized by the OS to use it as the default.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

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