Volume control bug?

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by Adept, Feb 26, 2024.

  1. Adept

    Adept New Member

    My situation:
    1. Volume passtrough enabled and my amplifier can play really loud.
    2. Passtrough disabled, i'm turning volume control to maximum, but volume is much much less than on previous step!

    I assume there is some bug in 1.2.80 firmware. Please acknowledge and fix. I attached screenshot with my RCA output settings.

    Attached Files:

  2. Inti

    Inti Active Member

    I must conclude that the volume passtrough is so high I don’t know if it’s normal
  3. Adept

    Adept New Member

    Also i compared with Wiim mini - it's much louder:D
  4. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    You have volume protection set to -20dB.
  5. Adept

    Adept New Member

    I disabled it now with no noticeable effect.

    Since there are no issues when volume control is disabled, then i conclude there is a software problem with volume regulation.

    Please investigate and fix. I can't happily use my $2000 device with this. Right now i'm listening with 50% volume and it's really quiet comparing with wiim also connected to my 200w amplifier.
  6. benma

    benma Active Member

    I've tested both options on my system. There is no measurable dB difference between pass through set to on and volume set to zero options. But I think there is a big difference between the pass through set to on and volume level set to zero. In the first case I hear a relay click but there is no relay click when I set the volume level to zero. That means that setting volume level to zero doesn't completely bypass the A8's volume regulation path. It only minimizes the attenuation of the volume level. So, in my opinion if you are using an external preamp, the right way is to enable the pass through option.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
  7. Adept

    Adept New Member

    My setup is on photo, i bought a8 to comprehensively use its preamp function. But now it does not provide full possible volume.

    Attached Files:

  8. benma

    benma Active Member

    As I've already mentioned in one of my previous posts on this forum, I'm getting much better results with an external preamp. I'm using my A8 as a streamer/DAC only.
  9. Adept

    Adept New Member

    I assume it's because of this bug in a8
  10. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    I have difficulty taking you seriously, why are you listening with only 50% volume, I would go back and check your settings after your faux pas with volume protection.
  11. Adept

    Adept New Member

    It does not matter which volume i set. It matters vendor guys to take a8, set to passthrough on - measure output, then disable passthrough and set maximum volume by regulator - measure output. Then compare and fix software.

    I can record a video on youtube with my another volumeter-enabled amplifier and demonstrate this issue very vivid and widely, but i'm interested in resolution first.

    So, PLEASE take this into consideration.
  12. benma

    benma Active Member

    Well, there is no such problem on my A8. Maybe a factory reset of your A8 would help.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
  13. Adept

    Adept New Member

    I tried it already, of course.

    Here is my volume lever compare recording:
  14. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    There is no ( as far as I am aware ) agreed levels for digital output so one device could easily be louder than another, the Eversolo’s analogue output balanced and unbalanced are published in the unit’s manual.
  15. Itch

    Itch Member

    Passthrough is not noted in MY version of the A8 User Manual. (The feature may have been added later, as is offered in other models).
    Typically, passthrough is used only when using an external preamplifier. Allowing the full signal from the A8 to pass to the preamplifier which is used for attenuation.
    Other products warn to not select this feature when connected directly to an amplifier.

    I have attached an exerpt from the manual describing the Volume Settings:

    - The Volume Protection is a feature that sets the maximum volume when switching between sources. Say you pause your source and were listening at high volumes....
    Without this - if you were to switch sources and that source began to play - it would begin at the volume set by the paused source.

    I too had volume issues in my system. I also experienced some irregularities which put my amps in to protection.
    I have resolved those issues with the following configuration - I hope this helps you.

    My current settings and configuration are:
    XLR Output - using an XLR to single point (RCA) adaptor - this feeds my amplifier using a pair of RCA cables for L/R from the respective adaptors.
    (These adaptors do reduce the max output voltage, closer to the RCA level of 2.1V, in that they are only using one side of the balanced signal).
    RCA Outputs - pair of RCA cables to my subwoofer (L/R).

    Output port = XLR/RCA

    I have found too many (well meaning?) members respond with "mine works fine" - how is this helpful?
    Some are so set on defending the unit that they dismiss your concerns, without addressing your legitimate situation.
    I have made a habit of consulting a user manual before posting.
    Owners come to this forum for troubleshooting advice - not to be discouraged from a dialog which may be helpful to
    owners experiencing similar issues.

    Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 10.54.00 AM.png
  16. benma

    benma Active Member

    In my opinion, the information "mine works fine" can be very useful, as it indicates that it is not a general problem, and not at all a software bug that should be solved by the manufacturer. It could be a malfunction of an individual device or result of incorrect settings. The maximum volume is affected by the setting of the "Volume limit" parameter, which must be set to 0 if we want to have the same volume level as with enabled "Volume passthrough" option.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2024
  17. Itch

    Itch Member

    I would agree IF it were followed by more information.
    i.e. "My unit is connected this way with these settings" as you did in your response to me...

    But not in this post...

    I am not singling you out...

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