VCD playback - left/right audio select

Discussion in 'General Development' started by LeeHKfan, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. LeeHKfan

    LeeHKfan New Member

    Looking for some advice if anyone can help. I'm trying to watch VCDs from my portable hard drive to play on my Zidoo media player via the Home Theater 3.0. It plays the video fine, only problem is, that it plays both Cantonese and mandarin tracks together. Usually this is solved by selecting Left or right speaker on my DVD player. Does anyone know any way around this or any apps that play VCDs and have the option to select the left/right audio? Tried Kodi and VLC without much luck.
  2. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    I think you are going to have to run the file through some software to split the single stereo track out to two mono tracks for each language.
    There is no left/right option on any modern players as audio isn't handled that way any more.

    I'd try using FFMPEG with a .bat script like this:

    ffmpeg -i %1 -af "pan=mono|c0=c1" -c:v copy -c:a aac "%~dpn1.mono%~x1"

    That should let you drag a file onto the .bat and it will split the stereo into two mono tracks, but I've seen people mention that due to how VCD's made this way worked the audio may be out of sync for some files.

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