Updated to 2.0.5 and available resolutions with projector are not present.

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by Shiftymagoo, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. Shiftymagoo

    Shiftymagoo New Member

    I just got the X10 the other day and am completely new to the box and brand. I bought it to hook up to my projector and because I intended on having my cable tv box input via hdmi so I can watch both sources through the same unit and single HDMI to the projector.

    The issue I have now is that I had it all working with no issues (for some reason it only worked in 1080P 24hz not 50/60hz which other devices have worked in) but I decided to update the firmware and downloaded the 2.0.5 version and install it.

    Now that its installed successfully it doesn't output in the proper resolution that the projector can detect. Using the resolution button on the remote doesn't resolve this as I (through some monkeying) figured out that when hooked up to the projector the resolution button now only cycles through 2 different resolutions that the projector can't display (although it should as it is capable of these) which are 1080P 50hz and 1080P 60hz.

    Since I have no picture I have to disconnect and hook it up to a different TV (all resolutions are present and remote button now cycles through all as normal) and go to quick settings and set it to 720P 60hz save it power down and hook it back up to the projector. Now it displays in 720P on the projector but when I go to quick settings some of the available resolutions are not present. And if I try to select anything over 720P or 1080i the screen will go blank and the projector cannot see the source.

    I think I need to downgrade to an earlier or possibly the much earlier firmware that the box came with. How do I do this?

    Any ideas as to why the available resolutions and functionality with the latest firmware are occurring?

    Thanks in advance.

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