Hi, I googled a lot but still can't find the answer, maybe you could help me. I am considering to buy Zidoo UHD2000,X20 or X20 pro. Currently I have a very old Mede8er. My current torrent setup is like this: I have ASUS AC87U router, with Merlin software, and simple Samsung external hard drive connected to router through USB. On the drive I have Transmissions torrents made through Entware. I absolutely love this set up, since router is always on, I don't need a PC at all, I can download torrents from my mobile phone directly to this hard drive. I can also do it from outside my home (WAN). This drive is a part of my home DLNA, so all the devices can see it and I can play movies directly from it. The only downside of this setup is the download speed - the bottleneck is ASUS router RAM. Now I would like to have the same settings with Zidoo players and since they have a good RAM (2GB/4GB), I hope to have a normal download speed as well. So my two questions are: 1. Can I download torrents 24/7 to either internal or external drive without Zidoo being turned on ? 2. Can I also do it being outside of my home network through WAN? Basically to have exactly that I have right now + good download speed . Thanks for the help!
Hello , I hope the guys help you soon , but what i can say that the Download speed has nothing to do with Ram as much as I know
Hi! 1. In short: No. Explained in more detail: You have to turn on your player in order to use torrent. Since there is an Android device, there is no big disadvantage if you leave it always on. I have an x20 and it is always turned on. A pair of WD RED's in the bays. ~100-150 torrents seeding, but most of them inactive, 1-2 downloading. 2. I think yes, because OpenWRT installed on the system by default, but I can't help, because I cannot use it from outside. My dl speed locked @ 10 MB/s (80 mbps), I think it's going to instable if I set more speed. Upspeed locked @ 2 MB/s, almost used my ISP's maximum upspeed. My ISP's upload speed ~20 mbit/s
Do you know any link to step by step tutorial how to properly setup torrent client (preferably Transmissions) in OpenWRT on Zidoo player, like setting permissions, sharing external hard drive, etc.? It took me few days to properly install Transmission in ASUS Entware, even with tutorial .
First of all, check this: https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/support_guide/guide_target/+S1T99[ld]Q8MRKKmVViAFMcQ==.html I don't use external drive, so I can't help how to mount it. Internals mounted, both working. But I had a strange problem: Transmission didn't start automatically after reboot. Found an article here, I had to add a few sec startup delay to Transmission client.