Hello everyone, The only thing missing for my happiness with my two orbs r 81 (=z9x) is the synchronization between the two. In other words, if I stop a film in one device, the other then knows where I left off. This is a feature, which is available in infuse on atv. And it’s really cool, to have this continuity, like in Netflix etc. Maybe, this is something, that you could put on the wish list.
Hi, they are called Orb R81, and are 100% identical to the Z9x. https://www.orbsmart.de/produkte/orbsmart-r81/ seems, it’s a German company. I had a Z9x as well, so I was able to check, they are identical. It’s an official clone. No cheap copy.
Hi, is there no one , who would like to have two or more zidoos synced, so playback continuity can be achieved?
Hi, can I ask if you're able to install Zidoo's firmware on Orb R81? And is there any software differences between Z9X and R81?
I asked the same question to Orb as well as in the German android meadiaplayer forum. They both do not recommend it. There is also no image in case you brick the orb. I had a zidoo, too. I could not really see a difference in sw. So for any reason, I stayed with the orbs If they could do Netflix and other streaming providers, they would be perfect.
This is a big reason why a bunch of us have requested that they add Plex/Emby/Jellyfin as a media source in HT4. Infuse added them as one on the AppleTV and it's been a really nice solution.
Yes, I know that about Infuse. I have two ATVs with Infuse. They just sync by themselves via iCloud. Sou you don't need additional Programs. And I need to say, I don't want to use additional stuff. I actually moved to HT, as I find it way better than Infuse, due to several reasons. Infuse is good. HT4 is better .-)
Sorry, wires crossed. I don't want Infuse for it. What myself and a few others have asked is for them to add plex/jellyfin/emby as source locations in HT4 similar to what Infuse did. So instead of choosing between NFS or SMB you could choose from NFS, SMB, Plex, Jellyfix, or Emby when setting it up. It would just take advantage of the server backend for syncing the library and statuses. The nice thing is that it's then also cross device so that you could resume on one of your ATVs with Infuse if you wanted it.