Sync issue

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Sancho01, Aug 16, 2024.

  1. Sancho01

    Sancho01 New Member

    I have just purchased the Zidoo UHD5000 and overall impressed with it, however my only disappointment is a syncing issue of lagging dialogue on some videos. I have tried to find an adjustment for this in the menu whilst playing a video but can't find any way to adjust. I have upgrades from a Dune player which had a positive/negative adjustment for sync timing. Can this be adjusted somewhere in the settings?
  2. Dannykip

    Dannykip New Member

    Apparently, because the audio/sync function wasn’t working correctly, the option was completely removed on all recent updates. My older Z9X still has the audio/sync function available, as I haven’t updated it recently! My newer Z9X Pro and Z9X 8K boxes are both missing this function on the latest firmware, which is just bonkers if you ask me.

    Workarounds are available, such as using your AV Receiver or Soundbar to adjust the delay.

    I still however, couldn’t figure out why I was having a delay in the first place…..?
  3. MrMad

    MrMad New Member

    Are you ... KIDDING me?

    The reason I can't find any audio sync settings in my ZX9 Pro is because Zidoo .... REMOVED them?

    I'm trying to watch a movie with my family and everyone is complaining about the audio and I told them I would fix it as soon as I figured out where the option was in my ZX9Pro ...

    Please tell me Zidoo didn't really remove this?

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