SSD vs External HDD with PSU

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Theo Beentjes, Sep 28, 2024.

  1. Theo Beentjes

    Theo Beentjes New Member

    I have got a external HDD with PSU connectes with USB on my Eversolo ME and it works fine.
    Is there a improvement off SQ when i buy a intern SSD?
  2. EricR

    EricR Member

    Alan Rutlidge likes this.
  3. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Yes; there will be no drive/fan noise. For me far from trivial. :rolleyes:
    Moved my own SSD from Internal to External USB for flexibility reasons.
  4. Theo Beentjes

    Theo Beentjes New Member

    Thanks for your answers
    I think i will buy a better powercord to upgrade the Eversolo.
  5. Alan Rutlidge

    Alan Rutlidge Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but I have to ask why? Do you honestly think that replacing the factory supplied power cable with another type will improve the sound quality of your DMP-A6ME?
    I've done this as a blind ABX test hundreds of times with various types of audio and video equipment over the decades and had many audiophile friends try to pick the differences with no success in positively identifying the very expensive high-end power cable with generic types. Of course, your mileage might vary......

    Now I fully appreciate the "true believers" of esoteric power cables are going to come out of the woodwork with all guns blazing. It's to be expected. I also half expect that the usual claims will be paraded - your system isn't high-end enough, your hearing is defective, you're not a critical listener, your music choices are crap, your equipment is faulty, you didn't "burn in" the cables for long enough, et al. Yeah, heard it all before. :D

    What others do with their money is of course their business and let's be perfectly transparent here; if you believe spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, Euros or whatever your currency is on a power cable for a device that consumes just a few watts of power is somehow going to magically improve the sound, widen the soundstage, improve imaging, lower distortion, improve the frequency response, improve the bass, improve the mid-range, improve the treble, improve the separation of the instruments / voices, lower the noise floor, make the background blacker than black, etc; then I think you are going to be either disappointed or you're a victim of expectational bias. After all, you just shelled out a lot of money so it's got to be an improvement - right? As another well-known member here often says, "do your own test using the same music, played through the same components and most importantly at the same volume level. If you hear a consistent difference or an improvement then at least you've proven something to yourself."

    My only critique of the factory supplied power cable for the DMP-A6 is that some people might find it a bit short in length for their particular installation. Other than that, there is IMHO absolutely nothing lacking in the supplied cable.

    Now give me a minute or two to put on my flak jacket. :p
    Nutul likes this.
  6. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Frankly I thought it was meant as a joke. :rolleyes:
  7. j2j

    j2j Member

    in my opnion:
    internal NVME PCle M2 SSD>external internal NVME PCle M2 SSD>SSD>HDD

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