slides and video in same slideshow?

Discussion in 'ZDMC for Zidoo' started by Larry D Elie, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Larry D Elie

    Larry D Elie New Member

    Kodi (ZDMC) what I will call a problem. It plays videos well, it plays picture slideshows well, but I can't find a way of having pictures and videos play together in the same show, even if they are in the same directory. I think the problem stems from the way photos and videos are setup; if you are looking at videos for example, you have to back out and enter that same folder from photos, and vice-versa. I don't know why you are forced to choose. Other players from way back just play anything in the folder, if the file type is acceptable.

    Does anyone know a fix, perhaps a custom type that includes everything?

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