Skip sideloading and install an App Store

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Dame, Sep 2, 2023.

  1. Dame

    Dame New Member

    I have been doing some playing around with various methods of getting around the Eversolo. I see that a lot of people would like a simpler solution than sideloading apks to get apps on their device. I would recommend to use Aurora Store. This will allow you to download most apps on the Google Play store. This is by far a perfect solution as you still wouldn't be able to use apps that rely on Google Frameworks such as anything by Google but its a hell of a lot better IMO.
    • Detailed Info about the app:
      • //
    I should also post some of my favorite apps for Android based devices, just search the store for these:
    • CastReceiver - Allows you to use the Eversolo as a Google Cast endpoint, you can thank me later.
    • YMusic - YouTube Music alternative app, one of the best, try it and you will see why!
    • projectM Pro - Milkdrop Visualizations, think old winamp, currently not working with the DAC but still looking into how to get this to work properly
    • Hue - yes changing my light from this device is a must! I have it sitting on my desk right next to me and this makes it very convenient to turn on and off my office lights! This will require some fiddling on your end to get Aurora to download and install it, you will need to change your device type in the settings menu. I am currently using Samsung S9+ in the spoof manager menu.
    • Open Settings by DXIdev - open the Android system settings menu. Configure different screen savers, change global font size, enable developer options, Access bluetooth menu (connect mouse/keyboard), etc. Be cautions, this is obviously locked down for a reason.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2023
  2. Dame

    Dame New Member

  3. Path8022

    Path8022 Member

    This is a good suggestion for an extremely useful app. I just think you need to give more info and context before widely recommending this application to communities like Eversolo users on this board who aren't particularly technically literate, are basic users of Android or others like iOS users who are pretty unfamiliar with all things Android.

    The most important public service announcement regarding this app is DO NOT log in with your main Google account. Using third-party app stores like Aurora is against Google's terms of service and they have been actively life-banning users who do so. There have been many reports in recent months of Google increasing this banning process. Just don't risk it if the data associated with your Google account is important to you. I know developers who have had to change job roles because of this.

    Scary stuff aside, if you use Aurora Store's anonymous login, you will have no personal problems with Google. You still have to deal with Google's combative attitude towards Aurora though such as rate limiting the anonymous accounts which can made installing new apps frustrating. There are however workarounds to this rate-limiting - reddit is your friend here. As a long time user of running Android without Google Play services, this store is great for apps you can't find on F-Droid and has been running great on the Eversolo. Oh, definitely install F-Droid too, this is where you should install Aurora from.

    @Dame There is a thread dedicated to aggregating useful third-party apps for the A6 where you can submit confirmed working apps. Some of the ones you mention should definitely be added to it.
    Ivar and Dame like this.
  4. DMP-A6

    DMP-A6 New Member

    It would be good if there were official Google play store support to allow for app updates etc.
    david flack likes this.
  5. zzeitg

    zzeitg New Member

    Hi, the CastReceiver as recommended by you is nice, but it's "trial" only. Have you discovered how to upgrade (without Google Play)?

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