several audio/volume issues with X9S with ZDMC

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Kurt, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Kurt

    Kurt Member

    All tests were with 1.2.6 and HDMI audio.

    1. using the remote control to increase/decrease audio is too wide of an interval.
    -when pressing the volume button once on the remote, you would expect the audio to adjust
    by a factor of 1 (like the X9 and other devices do), with the X9S it seems like
    the audio adjusts by a factor of around 5 or so each time you press the volume button on the remote.

    2. While recording HDMI IN, open up zdmc and press the remotes volume to adjust another movie you are watching in zdmc. After the volume adjustment a black bar appears at the top of the screen cutting off some zdmc UI functions like pause/jump/skip etc.. (press the volume button again to see the black bar disappear only while the volume UI is on the screen. Restarting zdmc fixes this, until you use the volume button on the remote control again.

    3. Zidoo volume control is not working independent of zdmc internal volume controls.
    - Set zidoo volume at around 50% or so with the remote and its UI, and watch any movie from a HDD in zdmc.
    Open zdmc audio controls from its lower UI by pressing the OK button, then moving over to the
    right to access the speaker icon. Now lower or raise either of, or both of the 2 volume controls
    and return to the movie.
    Stop the movie and open and watch another movie and go back into the zdmc audio controls to see
    that they are still at the settings they were in the previous movie that you just set.
    This is wrong, the zdmc audio settings should be back at its default settings so that each
    movie can be set/saved independently like all the other audio/video settings in zdmc/kodi.
    (zdmc/kodi has an option at the bottom of this UI to save settings for all media, for this very reason
    in audio and video. ~ I never selected this option to save for all other media)

    4. (related to #3 above), now while still in the zdmc audio controls, exit out of them.
    Now press the volume button on the remote once and hear that the audio will now jump
    and pop back to its original volume setting of around 50%.. you can verify this by now going back into
    zdmc's audio and see that the 2 volume settings have now jumped back to their original
    settings (one is 100% the other is 0%)
  2. Kurt

    Kurt Member

    One other I forgot..

    5. While HDMI IN is recording and you are watching another movie in zdmc, when the recording of HDMI ends, you will now hear the
    live stations audio play at the same time you are watching the movie in zdmc.

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