Scraping incorrect info for TV Show. How to fix?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by nmfrankl, Sep 22, 2024.

  1. nmfrankl

    nmfrankl Member

    When I add "Freaks and Geeks" to HT5, it scrapes the information from TheTVDB for the show in 'aired order'. However, I have the files named in 'DVD order'. How do I get HT5 to scrape the correct information?

    For example, episode 4 should be 'Kim Kelly is my Friend' but HT5 attaches 'Tests and Breasts' information to it.

    I have tried deleting the files from my NAS, refreshing HT5 so it removes the show, and then re-adding them. I have tried removing the scraped information (so they go to 'Unmatched' and then re-matching them one by one. Nothing I have tried works.
  2. Peter_H

    Peter_H New Member

    Change the episode numbers from DVD order to aired order.
    So If Kim Kelly is my Friend is on dvd order episode 4 but on aired episode f.e episode 5 change Kelly is my Friend to episode 5.
    You don't have to change te names of your episodes .

    Kelly is my Friend will become S01E16.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024
  3. nmfrankl

    nmfrankl Member

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, this does not fix the issue. HT5 seemingly only scrapes 'Aired Order' and there does not seem to be a way to have it scrape 'DVD Order' like Plex can.

    So, when I do as you suggest and rearrange the episodes...HT5 still shows the incorrect background picture and episode synopsis.

    In this case, I can get HT5 to put "Kelly is my Friend" as episode 4 in the episode list...but the background picture and episode synopsis is still for "Tests and Breasts" because that was the 4th episode when the showed originally aired on TV.
  4. Peter_H

    Peter_H New Member

    Did you try:
    Freaks and Geeks.s01E16.1999.Kelly is my Friend
    I can't imagine why HT scraper should show the incorrect background.
  5. nmfrankl

    nmfrankl Member

    I think what happens is that HT5 goes and grabs the background and synopsis information from the 'Aired Order' episode no matter what file I tell HT5 is episode always connects the background and synopsis for episode 4 from the 'Aired Order'...thereby always having a background and synopsis for Tests and Breasts...even if pressing play on the box marked "4" correctly plays Kelly is my Friend.

    Episode 4 (Aired Order) --> Tests and Breasts
    Episode 4 (DVD Order) --> Kelly is my Friend

    I want episode 4 to be Kelly is my Friend..and I have successfully set HT5 so that episode IS Kelly is my Friend...but it shows the background and synopsis for Tests and Breasts.
  6. Peter_H

    Peter_H New Member

    Don't blame me for asking:
    Why would you watcht a series in disorder?
    They should have put the episodes in the right (aired) order on the dvd.
  7. nmfrankl

    nmfrankl Member

    Sometimes, the network ignores the creator(s) and does what they want. The 'Aired Order' of Freaks and Geeks is out-of-order chronologically (story wise).
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    The same error in the DVD order happened with the TV series Eureka. The absolute end of series on the DVD came up as the 5 last ep. The aired dates were correct. I would trust the aired date over the DVD any time.
  9. Peter_H

    Peter_H New Member

    On IMDb they follow the dvd order.
    You may try to rematch with the imdb numbers which can be find in the browser.
    Kim Kelly is my Friend = tt0582676 Test and breasts = tt0582681
    All others you will find yourself on IMDb
  10. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    If you use tmm to do the matching you can use IMDB as the scrapper and you can select DVD order in the setup screen.

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