Root for X9S

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Greynium, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Greynium

    Greynium New Member

    Is it possible to root the x9s the same way like the x6pro, with onkey apk?
  2. GoldBar

    GoldBar Member

    My understanding is that it comes pre-rooted.
    Look at the following review:
  3. Scofield1986

    Scofield1986 New Member

    look in another threat.There is root from Lony.It work
  4. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    The X9s has no root on Board, maybe Zidoo implented it in another Firmware !!
  5. GoldBar

    GoldBar Member

    Apparently they did in that firmware . The guy that reviewed the x9s on Sep,9 (my previous post) shows that it's pre-rooted.

    A question to Lony: in the ROOT_via_LAN_5.1.1 folder there are two apk files: Superuser, SuperuserPro that seem to be quite old (from 2008). Are these files being used during the rooting process?
    May I replace these files with new versions of Superuser, SuperuserPro (v2.78) while maintaining the same filenames ?
  6. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    I have one of the first boxes here (3), and no boxes have root, what the guy have reviewed, i don`t no :D maybe a very special Box from Zidoo hahhaha

    When you change our Rott At your own risk, we work on a solution with over OTA Local for next week. in moment we testetd it ;-)
  7. Burick graham

    Burick graham Member

    Any luck on root access
  8. GoldBar

    GoldBar Member

    I haven't done mine yet.
    But Lony's root seems to work.
    Zidoo also give rooting directions for the X9 on this site (look at their Q&A) but they didn't reply to my question if it's good also for the X9s.
  9. Burick graham

    Burick graham Member

    I was told you have a way to root the x9s. Is that true
  10. grummel2005

    grummel2005 Well-Known Member

  11. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    Sure, but Zidoo must build a root in the firmware, and many users are happy.
  12. Burick graham

    Burick graham Member

    Rooted the x9s but unable to download super user. Got an error 506 on the playstore Any ideas?
  13. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    I have the same issue, we tested many combinations, but without success.

    This is not really bad at the moment, but zidoo should please turn his system straight.

    When we have a solution for this problem, i will posted it here.
  14. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Hope soon.
    Hope also possible unroot wil be a true unroot. So SkyGo and similar pesky app will runs fine.
  15. marko001

    marko001 New Member

    How can you run skygo ( I installed and it worked but...) and use HDMI output? I get the message saying Skygo unable to forward video trough HDMI port
  16. Scofield1986

    Scofield1986 New Member

    for me sky go dont work too
  17. marko001

    marko001 New Member

    I'm from Italy and I installed 2.7.5 version (you can google and find it) for rooted tablets.
    It launchs and you can correctly add your credentials BUT doesn't play videos
  18. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    ...because of HDMI output, not present on tablets, and refused by SkyGo.
    Well, this is a case where a question about a "problem" (not a Zidoo X9S problem from my point of view) may become unseen because thread argument is another.
    A "bug tracking" portal is a better choice, not (yet) choosen by Zidoo.

    Hope someone from Zidoo developers will see this request about apps "HDMI hiding".
    But, to be clear, if a company (Sky) don't permit to watch its TV programs on device different from Smartphones or Tablets, you can't regret to TV Box vendors... complains to Sky!
  19. marko001

    marko001 New Member

    @PacoRabanne sure I'm not complaining about TV box manufacturers. I feel X9's as great products, X9S top amongst other vendors.
    Hope via software tricks (either from users or Zidoo devs) to run around this Sky limitations.
    I will open a specific thread on it.
  20. spring

    spring Guest

    we will try to find method to root the device.

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