Hi All, Given the news that the Eversolo Dmp-A10 will have room correction built in, what is the likelihood that this feature will be rolled out for the Dmp-a8 via a future firmware upgrade? Competitors like Bluesound and Wiim have offered this to older players so would be a gesture for Eversolo to do the same. Thanks!
Hey jimmy, you know this a very good question, You never know that may be very well a possibility But now as A8 owner for approximately the last six months. I have to say I don’t know if that would be such a good idea , However, I am Still very much satisfied with the unit, but to me, it’s already trying to do too many things at one time at once as that The way it has been engineered . I am not a believer that one tool does it all I am not saying that I have separate units For everything that would entail the reproduction of AUDIO but now that I think of it. I guess I mostly do even have a separate-photo stages. I believe adding on a separate mini DSP unit would probably be your best bet, I don’t want to rain on the parade, but I believe it time prevails the A-10 will not be the answer and rectifying every problem or offering an audio reproduction. The HIFI rose that I sold for the eight which I had mentioned several times not to be repetitious was a streamer only and you had to provide the back of your choice. Was it better than what I have now I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t, but the Eversolo A8 in which I replaced it with comparing them side-by-side for probably over 100 hours or more I would say the A8is at least 90% of the HIFI rose. but I absolutely adhere to what you are saying it absolutely would be another nice ad on, but pushing things too much and things tend to either break down or not run right but yes, I would say that may be a very good possibility in the foreseeable future, but what it cost out way is performance and as far as actually what it would be able to do I believe not yet but we’re sure getting there , I have a gentleman now on the board here that I’m trying to get back to to see if my UNIT behaves the same way his UNIT does and a type of volume control issue. It’s spelling noise into his speakers, but anyway, good luck and happy listening enjoy ……
Appreciate your detailed and objective reply, thanks mate. Unfortunately my room is odd shaped and small so at the moment my speakers are too close to the side walls and the sound, despite trying my hardest to tweak things, just doesn't sound right. I am thinking of moving the unit on and buying the Bluesound Node Icon which will be released shortly and includes Dirac Live. It would be a shame as I love the A8 and it's usability. If it's a simple enough upgrade for Zidoo to do as a freebie, I think it will attract new buyers, particularly as room correction is quickly becoming a 'must have' for streamers at this price point. If Wiim can do it then I think it would be mean spirited for Zidoo not to throw us A8 users a bone and give us room correction!! I guess the only challenge may be whether the AKM dac would allow for this but looking at the architecture and comparing this against the A10, it would seem achievable? Cheers
I Certainly agree with you in most aspects , But keep in mind we have a bigger better brand new battleship now the A-10 for the next year approximately I Believe it would be safe to say all the rage and talk and text among other things Ect/ will more than likely all revolve around the new unit A-10 , that’s only normal and would come with any new piece of equipment but keep in mind. Let us see how good it really is, from owning countless pieces of equipment to the point, where even putting myself in A bit of financial distress which is now passed , I don’t think I would be so quick to delete the A8 out of your system at this time. This is just my personal humble opinion. Let give things a bit of a chance and see what transpires I know a few gentlemen here that went down the DSP Road to the point of total frustration . Just speaking for myself to a certain point DSP is kind of a Band-Aid when you should have went and had stitches ! I believe I certainly see your predicament with your acquired, listening space and monitors/sPEAKERS at least two or three times I’ve seen guys here using DSP only need to start setting things up using it listening by ear not microphone specifications and read outs are one thing and I agree with them to a certain point, but I do not wholeheartedly rely on them I would rather evaluate the unit in my own system and see what it sounds like to me in my own environment. I really don’t worry too much about what specifications say to a limited degree The A8 is a very unique piece of equipment for the cost it’s almost unbelievable , as is all the eversolo products But the new flagship A 10, add over twice the price doesn’t add up to me when I stack it up against the A8 I really do enjoy their products, but if I’m going to spend $.3650.00, US. There are a lot of other roads to follow, although the cost of the A-10 is not out of line with most streamers or units of the kind today . I i’ve just seen or reviewed some very beautiful DSP units for a very reasonable price, The unit that you named above and your comment is a very good respectable unit and company. They make some beautiful DSP units that I could add on. Keep my A8 And as things progress into the foreseeable future, I’m not being priced out a line as I can always swap it out for a bigger or better DSP processor , However, the more I think about it, I do think that Eversolo will keep up their end with upgrades. I don’t see why a DSP firmware upgrade couldn’t be possible , well, good luck and happy listening enjoy maybe we’ll be in for a surprise —?
Thank you Keith I believe that’s what I was trying to say just speaking for myself. It already has everything I need, but I don’t think I’m gonna buy a microphone the A8 has countless features and amenities some are even yet to be discovered , i’ve been in the AUDIO since the 1970s and I’m not saying it’s impossible that you’re not gonna tell me you’re just gonna sit there and the Dirac live which you also have to subscribe to. Is just gonna to make everything into your audio system a perfect listening experience. I don’t think so. from what I understand at the present time, the built-in automatic room feature in the A-10 just kinda took the edginess off of everything and that was about it. I think it may turn out to be a disappointment. We’ll find out shortly, but I don’t think it’s gonna get too many hits for the MSRP. There’s a lot other ways to go. I have just completed reading a few pages of REW A very detailed description I understand their basic fundamentals if you Google that page very nice ability However as I went on to read, about REW it’s highly technical And very interesting an excellent read, but I think I’m good , REW WOULD HAVE ME PULLING MY HAIR OUT, BUT I WOULDN’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT. I HAVE NONE ANYWAY I MEAN COME ON. WE ARE AUDIO GUYS OF THE HOME USE. I WOULD SAY IT’S SAFE TO SAY MOST OF US. WE’RE NOT STARTING UP A RECORDING STUDIO. sorry about that. I don’t know how the cap locks came on. I apologize. I can’t wait to get my regular computer set up. I’d like to throw this in the river sometime. Good luck at happy listening.
I'm not sure I could trust myself doing thag correctly and like the chap above, I've read the manual and whilst I'm not a luddite, I'm not overly technical so I think I'd f' up something that gives me a headache just reading through it! Something semi automated like what Eversolo have on the A10 would be ideal. Appreciate what Bismp said about the fact that their room correction offering may be 'lite' and no Dirac Live solution but would still love to give it a try. Hopefully some reviews focusing on RC will start filtering through in due course.
Great news!! Eversolo have just confirmed that room correction is coming to the Eversolo Dmp-a8! Check their Facebook page.
I made a video guide on using REW on the A8, hope you find this useful: How to Use REW Room Correction, Umik-1 and Eversolo A8 to Improve Your Hifi Sound
Why are there no reviews from people who have already listened to the Eversolo A 10? I have a dilemma: what to buy - the 8 or the 10? I like the AKM better and logically I should buy the 8. All the reviews about it are great, but are there really no people who have heard the 10? Not the emotions of people who like something new, but the assessment of people who understand sound and have experience in assessing the sound of this or that. Has no one bought it yet? I only read reviews from people who evaluate based on photos and graphs. I don't trust reviews on YouTube, but rather trust those who are not paid for it. Sorry for my English.
I can’t condone keeping or selling my A8 for A10 Just about everything that the A-10 has incorporated or improved as an upgrade, I can incorporate into my A8 I can galvanic isolate most of the dedicated input and outputs of course, I must purchase these particular add-ons to make it just as functional, and I would also need an Internet cable isolation device that converts the incoming Signal to optical through filtration, then of course back again and into the unit to me these are things I think I may look into in the foreseeable future. I have plenty of ESS DAC,s not that particular one that is in the A10, but there are at least a half a dozen companies right off the top of my head that currently make units that incorporates the same chip that is in the A10, OK, but as we know, the chip does make a difference, but the biggest difference is the way it is implemented or configured and each particular unit I believe it’s SMSL that has the exact same chip that the A-10 is using and from what I hear it’s a killer sounding unit, So far just doing calculations in my head. I’m still nowhere near the MSRP of the A-10 $3680.00 the other A 10 amenities a roundabout way are kind of ridiculous. I can do without the light , knob and the heat sinks on the side that looks like an old 70s amplifier when they use the nice MOSFET’s , so just in my very humble opinion of being the High End Audio since 1970’s and also selling it through the 1980s I believe the reason you do not hear too many people speaking of it. Well if you have an extra $2000 more you don’t need and like all the added gingerbread in which I’m mainly talking about lights and operating system. I think it will be quite some time other than a reviewers that get whatever they want anyway that’s gonna have any type of comment or opinion on it, and you basically don’t even have to watch the reviewer. It’s going to be an endgame piece. The Eversolo A 10 is the best piece equipment I’ve ever heard. Just make sure you walk in with an open checkbook like a gentleman from Audio research had told several people at one of the past shows thank goodness a friend of mine was there with a friend of his and actually witnessed it so not to sound condescending or facetious but that’s basically what you have going on today but if I had an extra 36 or $3700 dollars, which I probably could go out on the limb for, but I’d rather take the extra say approximately $2000 and do some upgrades to my speakers or some other part of my system , they’re already working on the A 12 so you might wanna buy with cautious High End Audio today is hilarious, just my humble opinion, ZIDOO played out an old game start low and go high. I’ve seen this at least a dozen times sometime. It plays the opposite way. This is too funny, the old days are gone but however happy listening. I hope your audio system brings you many hours of enjoyment, I remain respectfully yours. please excuse the text talk still waiting for my laptop. Oh well….. sorry, Audio Bill I never said I heard an A10, I was talking about the reviewers on YouTube If you get a chance, check it out it’s the best unit they ever heard. Forget about the A8 that’s old hat now However, I did hear a dec in which I believe uses the same dec chip as the 10. Nice, but no big deal Had to check for a second SMSL either than nine or the 10 same chip/ personally, I like the AKM so you may want to correct that brother never said I head a A10 However, I did have a rep that had turned around and told me just keep your A8 That’s about all I can think of At the moment Again, best of luck and enjoy
Hello Audio bill just wondering just to satisfy my own curiosity are you thinking about an A10- there’s quite a bit of competition out there for that price, but I’ll tell you what I did here when the A8 was introduced for $.1980.00 it gave quite a few other company vendors A lot of sleepless nights did you not notice all the major pliers all the sudden different units came out with much more competitive prices yeah I can believe that. Just my opinion. Hey good luck and play on. sorry about that. I thought that was in the paragraph I never ever said I heard an A10, and to be totally honest with you, I’m not real anxious about it
I think the A8 is a remarkable value (just read the Stereophile snd Audio Science Reviews), and especially now that Room correction has been added. Also, question the move to a Sabre dac from the AKM. Frankly, I probably won’t move to the A10. My other dac is the McIntosh D1100. And I question $6k for an Aurender streamer only, made in Korea, or $15k for a dcs Bartok, neither of which measures or is as full featured as the A8. I could spend lots more, but why? Eversolo is kicking butt, and most criticisms seem misplaced. In my extensive system, using the A8, jaws dropping are a common occurence.
Hello Audiobill, from reading your post, I would have to say my thoughts exactly, if you look back on some of my post, you will see where I sold. The HIFI rose, I was lucky enough to be able to get an A8 and do an entire side-by-side comparison for a couple weeks as per if I did not like the A8 I could have sent it back. No questions asked, however, I will say this I do miss the HIFI rose in a very certain small degree, but I will also say this the Eversolo A8 was at least minimally speaking at least 90% as good as the Rose and in some respects even better, and not to be blunt I saved myself quite a bit of money, I still have my older Mac CD transport MCD-751 transport only the last of the exotics all Mac did was build the case all the internals are the Teac -20 VRDS DRIVE System, I believe they dropped the model approximately around 2005, now TEAC just brought back the VRDS system I believe this year very similar to the old drive, but there’s no comparison and again you’re looking at almost $ 3,G’s transport only Yes absolutely some of the older stuff absolutely retains a better edge. Yeah, it’s kind of funny when peoples draw drop and some of them actually don’t believe me until I demonstrate, you’re running and Eversolo A8 and a pair of 300 B mono blocks, and it blows the paint off the walls with 8 WATTS per Channel, now I never spent quite as much money as you did on a DAC Sounds like you got a hell of a system there, but I do believe speaking for myself and most likely you as long as Eversolo holds up their end I believe we’ll have the A8 for quite a while, it was just one of those pieces of equipment that rarely come around even once in a while for the asking very obscure today, but it was done for a reason just like everything else in this business I’d like to borrow your dac for the weekend no, I know exactly what you have. I’m just not partying with that kind of money at this stage in the game but good luck and happy listening and enjoy that awesome system you have you may start shaking your head. I’m still a vinyl guy too. I have a photo of stage that cost me way more than the A8, being real old-school I misinformed myself in a way I always said I would never mix digital or computer devices into my audio rig , oh well, time changes everything but you have to use a lot of common sense in this hobby. OK good luck and enjoy. i’m sure I’ll speak with you again, oh just got a HATTOR BIG PASSIVE PRE with ,AMRG resistors 64 position dual mono UNIT with external power supply now I’m deciding whether to part with my tube Line stage. I have the Eversolo A8 running Balanced into it Wow talk about clean and transparent unbelievable Plus has full remote control. I’ve wanted this pre for many years so I finally got one , The only thing I regret was waiting so long OK great listening to you & all
Hello. I made the first measurements with the A8. The results are immediately better than manual measurements with REW. But I have questions. You can set the maximum gain between 1 and 5. If you then click on continue, the filter is created and the process is actually complete. After the measurement is complete and the filter is created, is it possible to access the measurement and create a new, different filter? If not, you have to repeat the entire measurement every time. I wouldn't like that. Thanks in advance. Greetings from Germany