Revamp how Zidoo displays TV show episodes

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by Jon R, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. Jon R

    Jon R New Member

    Would like to request how Zidoo devices display TV Show episodes. Currently it uses the episode image as a fanart/background when scrolling through the episodes. Problem with this is many older tv show episode images are NOT in a hi res image type. So this makes the background episode image distorted, pixelated, etc. Why not revamp how Zidoo handles TV shows and make the image smaller to scroll through the episodes. For an example, look at Plex or even the new "version" of Zappiti the R_volution Player One how they handle displaying TV shows.
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    You could load in your own as I have done on a few old series - tedious but doable
  3. dach141

    dach141 New Member

    How do you load your own?
    I'm trying to replace some of mine at the moment
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Find the image on the internet etc and save. Then include it in the same folder as the video. Label the file the same as the video file with the added -fanart or -poster etc. In Preferences make sure 'use local images first' is on.
    dach141 likes this.

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