Repository and files ?

Discussion in 'ZDMC for Zidoo' started by Quentin38, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. Quentin38

    Quentin38 New Member

    Hello, where can I find the installation repo of ZDMC ? I need to extract database, xml files etc... I search on my zidoo z9x pro via smb but can't find anything.. Any idea ?
  2. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    If you mean the directory with the config files, It's usually something like /Storage/Android/data/com.zidoo.zdmc/files/.kodi/etc
    The XML files are in there under userdata like usual, you can put in an advancedsettings.xml as per normal kodi etc.

    the .kodi folder is hidden so either navigate to it manually or enable hidden folders if you are using a windows file explorer.

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