remote control not usable Zidoo in DAC mode?

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by Gaudron, Oct 29, 2023.

  1. Gaudron

    Gaudron New Member

    I have a Zidoo Neo S when I use the DACs, I can't change music tracks using the remote control?
    Using the app on the phone, no problem.
    probably due to a configuration but which one.
    Do you have any idea where this could come from?
    thank you for your opinion
  2. jaimeparker

    jaimeparker New Member

    One possible cause is that the remote control is not configured to operate on the external display, which is where the DACs output the music. This can happen if you have enabled the dual display mode on your Zidoo Neo S, which allows you to use two different screens at the same time. In this mode, the remote control may only work on the internal display, which is where the Zidoo interface is shown.

    One possible solution is to go to general settings and select “remote control operates only on external display”. This will make the remote control work on the external display, where the DACs are connected. However, this will also disable the remote control on the internal display, so you will need to use the app on your phone or another device to control the Zidoo interface.
  3. Gaudron

    Gaudron New Member


    Thank you for the feedback.
    I'll look at this tomorrow and report back.
    Good day

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