Poster catalogue is messed up

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Enet, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    So there's a couple of weird things happening with the poster collection.

    First if I have two copies of the same film, one 4K, one 3D then that sometimes shows up as one poster, other times it shows up as a collection. I like the single poster approach but I prefer the collection. This way I can identify which versions I have watched. But it does seem to be inconsistent.

    The second issue is my X-men collection is there under "MOVIES" but not under unwatched even though when I look at the collection under "COLLECTIONS" it is unwatched. X-men Apocalypse also has a separate 4k and 3D version which is the same issue as above.
  2. robinb

    robinb Member

    I found that, I separated them at poster and then re-added them again. It should then put as 2 films on one poster, rather than A & B files on one poster.
  3. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    Yeah I know I can do that, this has always been an issue. But I like having the two separate posters because they are two separate films. It is as I said, inconsistent and the second issue is just wrong.

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