PLEXAMP apk not allowed

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by NWN, Jul 27, 2023.

  1. NWN

    NWN Member

    Hi, I was able to upload Plex apk and works fine. However when trying to upload/install Plexamp apk, it uploads and I receive "Installation successful" (in chinese) but app doesn't list under "APPS" on dmp-a6.
    Someone an idea?
  2. cenodude

    cenodude New Member

    I've installed Plexamp without any problems. Perhaps something is wrong with your APK.?
  3. NWN

    NWN Member

    I downloaded another apk file for the same and now it works.
  4. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Link please then I will add the one that works well.
    mr_phillip likes this.
  5. NWN

    NWN Member

  6. Alex45

    Alex45 New Member

    Hi, a bit late to the party but would really appreciate if anyone can answer a few questions for me...

    1. How exactly do you sideload (in this case) PlexAmp to the DMP-A6? Don't have one yet and basically the ONLY thing that's preventing me from getting it is the absence of PlexAmp (all my lossless music is on a Synology NAS).

    2. Once PlexAmp is uploaded, will I be able to control it from the PlexAmp app on my phone by selecting DMP-A6 as a "casting" destination (by tapping the "chromecast" icon in the phone app)?

    3. If there's an update to the PlexAmp I'll have to do it manually by downloading the new apk from the internet and uploading it to the DMP-A6, or will it auto update?

    Thank you in advance!

  7. cenodude

    cenodude New Member

    1. Type [IP_address]:18888 in your internet browser and select your apk file of plexamp
    2. Yes
    3. Manual update new versions
  8. Alex45

    Alex45 New Member

    Thanks! I was just about to edit my post and cross out the first and the last question, as I found the thread about sideloading :)

    Confirming the "remote control" from phone is working is great news. Christmas is coming...
  9. I've installed the PlexAmp APK via Aptoide. There was also an Aptoide app installed in addition to PlexAmp . Is it okay to delete the Aptoide app and just keep the PlexAmp?
  10. racesmore

    racesmore New Member

    Ive installed the PlexAmp APK onto my Zidoo Z20 Pro, but when i open the PlexAmp app, it closes after the logo comes on screen. Is there anything I can do fix the app working?
    Blackbeen likes this.
  11. Blackbeen

    Blackbeen Member

    Same can someone PLEASE answer this, it works fine on my X10 but I'm trying to phase it out, It doesn't close on mine but the frontend doesn't load, I just get this page.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2024

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