Plex client for Zidoo devices - ZidooPlexMod

Discussion in 'Plex for Zidoo' started by bowlingbeeg, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    I used the links in the OP and just checked. It's the ZDMC20.2rtk.apk, PlexToZidoo3.0 and bowlingbeeg.kodi-0.1.0. I downloaded the 3 to my PC and put on a usb stick. Then I installed ZDMC first.

    Your 2nd paragraph clarifies for me to at least not write off the path as the potential problem. Based on a couple comments, I was assuming the banner being gone meant the path was correct and something else was going awry.

    I was checking paths through media selection, and the other apps with their direct connection and I'm confident it's correct. I checked my Jellyfin server I have configured to work with Andy's Jellyfin app and the Shared Network Folder had my server name (G-NAS) @ right before the IP #, but same otherwise. Trying to add that didn't work either.

    Can you clarify step 2 for someone that doesn't have any experience with Kodi? I didn't know what to do for that one and thought maybe it meant just having the usb stick plugged in and zip accessible. I then went to step 3 and installed bowlingbeeg.kodi using Install from Zip file. Looking at the instructions again, it looks like I was supposed to install from Repository and messed that up. I just tried again after uninstalling everything but ZDMC. Then installed from repository, then PlexToZidoo, then entered path substitutions. Still won't play, so I assume something with the path must be the issue.

    EDIT: I just got it to work. Not sure what I did differently lol, but I got it to work, so that's the important part. Now I can go ahead and install it on my older Z9X downstairs tonight! Thanks for your work on this project!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  2. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Try removing the volume stuff from your "Replaced with" string. So something like "nfs:// Movies" .. without the quotes.
  3. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    One thing I'll mention is that if you're using passwords on your smb shares the Zidoo will seemingly ignore the credentials that we pass to it from PlexToZidoo. So it will look like it fails to start the media. The only way to re-authenticate is to go into the Media Center app and navigate to your smb share. Then you can go back into ZidooPlexMod and it will work again. For me this doesn't happen a lot but every now and again I have to do that. Not sure if that's maybe what you hit but something to be aware of.
  4. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    Ya I have had to do exactly that to make Andy's Jellyfin app work sometimes. I just do as you say and quickly view the SMB shares in the media center app and go back to Jellyfin and it works, so this at least won't surprise me if it happens with this, but thanks for the heads up.
  5. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    Can I assume this will work for my 3D files on my regular Z9X since it's just calling the internal player?

    I've never bothered to set up my 3D as Libraries in Plex, but will tonight if so. They're all my own full disc rips in to MKV, not SBS stuff, so I know it won't work on my newer 8K Z9X.
  6. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I don't have any 3D movies so I can't say for sure but yes it should work if you have substitution working because we're just passing the smb/nfs location of the movie to the internal Zidoo player.
  7. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    I went ahead and set up the libraries and ya 3D worked no problem. I've got set this up on both my old Z9X and the 8K now and is working well for anything I've thrown at it. Definitely smoother on the 8K, but that's obviously hardware related.
  8. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    So this is what it is. I never put two and two together. Since I shut down my box when I shut down the theater, it means I experience this every time I turn it on. It’s super annoying and really nullifies the whole experience. Is there no way around this? It never did this with my original Z9x, and only started doing it when I upgraded to the Z9x pro. I always just attributed it to the pro box being a complete dumpster fire at launch.
  9. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I don't see any difference in my Z9X and Z9X pro boxes and I certainly don't see it every time I shutdown the Z9X Pro. I haven't been able to discern any sort of pattern. I provide the user/password on the SMB protocol that I send to the Zidoo player so unless you can convince them to fix that I'm guessing it will never get fixed. You could try just leaving the box on and then it shouldn't happen very often but since your power off experience is different than mine maybe there is something else at play and leaving it powered on will behave differently as well.
  10. Larry Jordan

    Larry Jordan New Member

    Like several others I’m having trouble with the Path Substitutions as I receive an ERROR: No substitutions found. I have my Plex server and multimedia files located on a QNAP NAS. I set up a multimedia folder to house all of my multimedia files and within that folder I setup folders for each type of files (movies, music, home videos, pictures). Each of those folders represents a library.

    Current Plex Path

    I was able to determine that the Plex libraries path is as follows:

    /share/NFSv=4/Multimedia/insert library name (moives, ect)

    I’m thinking this would be entered in the “Part of path to be replace”.

    Zidoo Path

    Using the Media Center app and scrolling down to smb my NAS is listed as well as the NAS multimedia folder. If I high light my NAS and scroll down to the bottom of the screen it displays the following information:

    Host: JORDANNAS smb://JORDANNAS/?ip=192.xxxxxxxx&host=JORDANNAS


    If I high light the Multimedia folder it displays the following information:

    Host: JORDANNAS smb://JORDANNAS/Mulitmedia/

    Address: 192.xxxxxxxx

    If I open the Poster Wall app and then open the Source folder it shows Movies scanned and an IP address of smb://192.xxxxxxxx/Multimedia/Movies

    What have I done to date

    Part of path to be replaced: I have used the following



    Replace with:



    Any help would be appreciated.
  11. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Please attach a screen shot of the debug page so I can see the error and all of the details.
  12. Larry Jordan

    Larry Jordan New Member


    Attached Files:

  13. Xylem

    Xylem New Member

    Thank you for the support @bowlingbeeg .
    It now works for the z9x 8K, nice work!
    Question, when I play a movie and try to go back/exit the movie, the system takes me all the way back to the Zidoo home page.
    Any suggestion?
  14. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    It sure looks like having the "Part of path to replace" set as "/share/NFSv=4", without the quotes, would work. Can you post screen shots of the PlexToZidoo settings.
  15. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    That sounds like ZDMC is crashing ... are you using ZDMC 21 or ZDMC 20.2? There are lots of issues with ZDMC 21 that are unrelated to ZidooPlexMod and PlexToZidoo. I recommend sticking with ZDMC 20.2 on all zidoo models for now.
  16. Xylem

    Xylem New Member

    20.2, followed your instruction posted in post 1.
    Added start kodi - plex when system starts.
    Only does it when i exit a video, movie, tv show.
  17. Larry Jordan

    Larry Jordan New Member

    I went in and changed the setting as you suggested. Also changed the Replace with to smb://192.xxxxxxxx. I tried these settings and it worked. I then turned off Debug data and it went straight to playing the movie. THANKS so much for your help and your work on this method of using Plex.

    Attached Files:

    bowlingbeeg likes this.
  18. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    And this is on a Z9X 8K? Unfortunately when Kodi crashes it isn't able to log anything in the debug log so there isn't anything to even look at. I know on the Z9X line we had this issue because they changed the default android settings for the number of background tasks that were allowed to run but they changed that in the Z9X Pro models. I haven't heard of any other Z9X 8K users having this trouble, do you have any other Kodi addons running that could be causing an issue?
  19. Xylem

    Xylem New Member

    Plain vanilla install.
  20. Creator44

    Creator44 Active Member

    I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen for me, because when I removed the user and password from PlexToZidoo I had to go to Media Center to make smb connect through ZidooPlexMod / PlexToZidoo. I then entered the user and password again and I never had to go to Media Center again even after reboots of the box and, frankly, I never go to Media Center so I think it proves that the username and password works for me. Same thing on my Z9X Pro, I never go to Media Center and never had to go there for the smb connection to continue working.

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