Plex and Zidoo: how to keep metadata coherent

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Kaisa, Feb 28, 2023.

  1. Kaisa

    Kaisa New Member

    Good afternoon,
    I have NAS hosted setup (QNap TS-453Be) and I use it to stream both to the Z9X and to a couple of TVs with a plex client installed. Of course for the Zidoo I use the HT app. Whenever I add a new movie or TV series, I have to manually update my metadata and check the images (posters and so on) on both devices. Is it possible to keep them synchronized ? I'd like to update only one of the two, and see the changes reflected on the other.

    First I tried using a Plex plugin called Lambda to export metadata from Plex and use it on the Zidoo, but Lambda requires an old version of the Plex plugins (the legacy ones) and those are quite troublesome to say the least on the current Plex version (for example, if I select a different language for my library content and select Plex Movies (legacy) I am automatically reverted to "English" or switched to the most recent version of the plugin that's not supported by Lambda)

    I tried using a third party app as well called Tiny Media Manager, but that application is crap : 1 ) it ignores my choices, if I chose Plex as target, it keeps reverting to Kodi and the output ".nfo" files are not correct for Plex and the resulting poster and art files are the wrong size 2) it keeps generating graphical glitches forcing me to close the app and open it again every couple of minutes. Today after doing a test I had to manually clean up all my folders from the messed up files created by Tiny Media Manager. For these 2 reasons I have requested a refund from PayPal.
    Any other idea or suggestion?

    Have a nice day :)
  2. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    FWIW I have used TMM flawlessly for over a year now to keep my metadata in sync between the two. I have never experienced any problem you describe. Before you throw in the towel on TMM I would try reaching out to their support or seeing if there’s something wonky with your setup.
  3. Kaisa

    Kaisa New Member

    Sorry for bothering you Fnhanks, do you have an idea where I can go to find the correct setup for TMM/Plex/Zidoo? Every time I mess up with my library I have to waste countless hours to reset and clean up all the downloaded files :(
    Thank you for answering me :)
  4. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    I didn’t follow a guide or anything. I will say I think the key difference is I have my TMM setup to generate Kodi NFOs which Plex seems to read/respect and I found HT4 to recognize.

    TMM does have an option to remove files as well that it doesn’t recognize or are unnecessary which may help with cleanup.

    it might be worth just pulling out a few media files so you can do some testing on a much smaller scale to hone your process/settings before committing to the full library?
  5. Kaisa

    Kaisa New Member

    Can you post a couple of screenshots of your TMM's settings? I truly have no idea about what I am doing wrong, but I can't figure it out why it doesn't work as intended :(
    Oh. Another question: are you using some specialized plugin on Plex side or just the Personal Media Asset?

    Thank you again for your kind help !
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
  6. Kaisa

    Kaisa New Member

    UPDATE 03/13/23 : I have finally found a way to set up TMM, however a small hiccup still exists: In Plex TV shows are working as expected: A poster is applied to the TV Show itself, and a different one for each season of the show. In HT4 only the season 1 poster is chosen for all TV shows ignoring the "poster.jpg" and instead using "season01-poster.jpg" as default. What am I doing wrong?

    P.S.: I have split the conversation just to bump it up and see if someone has an idea about my problem with TV series :p

    Thank you all for your patience !

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