No Response from Remote or Box Playing 3D rips to mkv frame-packed or SBS

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Bill Street, May 3, 2022.

  1. Bill Street

    Bill Street New Member

    I just ordered the Z9X to play my collection of 3D rips stored on my media server. I was able to play a file and it worked, however, no pressing of the buttons would affect the playing. No Pause, no Stop, No Back, No Return, No Home. I eventually had to stop the Zidoo box by turning off the hardware power switch behind the box.

    I next tried a regular mkv rip and it worked with all the controls, pausing, playing, stopping etc.

    I tried 3 more 3D titles. One would not load at all. The other two had the same issue as the first one I tried above. They would play, the 3D was working and it played for several minutes, but would not respond to remote buttons like above. I'm new and I hope this is a simple noob problem, as I quite like this media player!
  2. Bill Street

    Bill Street New Member

    Thought I would post my solution. You have to be very patient with the remote control and also move it around toward the box. Doing this eventually got it responsive. I then found out about the phone app, which works really well controlling the Zidoo!
    muha likes this.
  3. muha

    muha Active Member

    I was checking your status, because I have tested 3d rips (sbs/uo) but not full BRs. So far it was great experience.

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