no OpenWrt access for hard disk configuration Internal new

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by Alfaprimo, Nov 29, 2022.

  1. Alfaprimo

    Alfaprimo Member

    Ciao ho uno zidoo Uhd 2000, devo installare un hard disk interno e non riesco ad accedere a OpenWrt, la password è stata installata dal precedente proprietario e non riesco a mettermi in contatto. È possibile far riconoscere il disco rigido senza utilizzare OpenWrt? Non riesco a collegare il disco rigido a un PC per formattarlo avendo solo Chromebook PC. Chiedo supporto grazie.
  2. videobruce

    videobruce Member


    Hi I have a zidoo Uhd 2000, I need to install an internal hard drive and I can't access OpenWrt, the password was installed by the previous owner and I can't get in touch. Is it possible to get the hard drive recognized without using OpenWrt? I am unable to connect the hard drive to a PC to format it having only Chromebook PC. I ask for support thanks.
  3. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Are you trying to read the drive in your PC or the Zidoo??

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