您好!不知道什麼時候NEO X才能通過roon READY呢? 身為旗艦機種,原本看上的就是想要運用它強大的硬體來當串流媒體機撥放音樂, 買了以後才發現原來只有其它幾台有通過roon READY認證, 本身的roon TESTED也是無法使用。 因內建的音樂資料庫無法精準有效率的處理我NAS中的所有歌曲, 已經嘗試分資料夾把上萬張CD不要放在同一資料夾內才免強避免每次掃瞄的花費時間, 但資料庫分析不佳以及不支援連結TIDAL等服務, 使用上確實非常不方便, 相較已經習慣使用roon以後, 確實還是roon好用許多, 期盼能盡快通過roon READY認證, 讓此旗艦之名發揚光大! Hango
Why Roon is important? To me, it's the best way to have all music organized, and accessible from everywhere, without hassle of playing with different user interfaces, UPnP players, etc. Different people have different preferences, but without Roon, handling my music was always a royal PITA. As for ripping -- I use DBpoweramp and Xrecode apps on my computer, to rip CD to FLAC, and store the files on a NAS. For SACD I use a dedicated Oppo BD player with corresponding software on the same computer, and rip files to DSF, saving them on the same RAID. All files are played with ALL my roon-ready endpoints everywhere. Great convenience. When I want a "manual" music handling, I use LP or reel-to-reel tape recorders (I have 4 of these) just for the fun of it; but for everything else Roon is the best solution for me. As of today, I use Somore Microrednu as a bridge between my network and Neo-S, and it works fine; but as soon as Neo-S gets Roon certification, I'll gladly get rid of Sonore and simplify the connections. To me, the less wires, the better.
Roon Ready當然有好處囉 @zskin13 !資料庫強大的整合、多台設備可以共用一套資料庫或提供多人多房使用,在家庭使用上,跨zone、多人成員、多設備、資料庫整合串流平台及備份等等,就些就已經超值了,圖個方便,聽音樂變得很簡單!roon結合串流平台,學習到我的資料庫和常聽音樂,進而自動提供和建議我接下來要播放的曲目,這些可能是我沒有聽過的專輯、也可能意外發現好歌,高音質的收藏當然可以隨時回味,串流給的是不一樣的體驗。