Need help with Scan Library

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by proudpeacock, Feb 21, 2022.

  1. proudpeacock

    proudpeacock New Member

    Hello, I have a Zidoo Z10. I have a library of around 700 ISOs, organized as a separate directory for each ISO, or in rare cases, multiple discs. The Subdirectory is the same name as the title of the ISO and was chosen by either using what I could find in the online databases or improvising, as a number of my ISOs are of rare / obscure / off-air copies of music concerts and documentaries. I have put in each directory the appropriate cover art, along with the ISO. I have used Tiny Media Manager to make sure they are assigned to the ISO. I access these files either from an internal HDD, or via my Synlogic NAS server..both seem to work in that regard.

    I found the setting to tell scan to prefer the local image, and that seems to work. I, in almost all cases in TMM, did not add any other info, no synopsis, no actors, no titles. Upon scanning in Zidoo, in most cases, all is good. In some cases (due to my obscure titles), it finds odd titles, and assigns them along with the wrong synopsis, etc. It seems to work very nicely for all my mainstream titles. But for others (America Live in Concert at Central Park), it get assigned as one of the Captain America series.

    Is there a way I can edit in TMM the erroneous matches, and then set a flag or some such for Zidoo Library Scan to leave those items alone, and not retitle or pull wrong synopsis?

    I hope what I am asking is clear.


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