Movie on Zidoo Drive but not Appearing on Poster Wall

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by dalemccl, Nov 18, 2023.

  1. dalemccl

    dalemccl New Member

    I ripped "The Equalizer 3" UHD disc as an .mkv file and copied it to the USB drive attached to the ZX9. It shows as present on that drive when I use a Windows file browser. However it does not appear on the Zidoo poster wall. Neither in the Zidoo web app nor on the player itself. And a search within Zidoo does not find it that file.

    The Equalizer and The Equalizer 2 appear on the wall in a collection, but 3 is not in the collection and is not shown as a single movie on the wall. Both EQ 1 and 2 have an .nfo file and two jpg files on the USB drive. The Equalizer 3 only has the movie file (.mkv) on the USB drive.

    I double checked the spelling of the file name and it is correct. Does anyone know what could cause this problem?
  2. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    Do you see the MKV in the media manager and does it play?
  3. dalemccl

    dalemccl New Member

    Yes. I used Media Center on the ZX9 and The Equalizer 3.mkv file showed up. When I played it from Media Manager, it was indeed The Equalizer 3 that played. But when the file is selected in Media Manager, there is a choice to play it or show the poster. When I show the poster, it is the poster for the original The Equalizer.

    When I go to Home Theater 4.0 on the ZX9, the collection for The Equalizer appears. Opening that shows the The Equalizer and The Equalizer 2, both with the correct poster art. But if I play The Equalizer from there, it actually plays the 3rd movie. (The Equalizer 2 plays as expected.)

    It seems like somehow it is confusing the 3rd movie with the first when it scrapes.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

  5. dalemccl

    dalemccl New Member

    Thanks, that sorted it out and now all 3 movies appear correctly on the poster wall, and play properly.

    Is it good practice to always include the year in the file name?
  6. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    Yes, that could help for the accuracy of the scan, except when you already have a year in the title of the movie : for example "2001: A Space Odyssey" (Sadly, the Zidoo devs don't have optimized this parameter enough).
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
  7. dalemccl

    dalemccl New Member

    Thanks, I will start doing that.
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Whenever a film or TV series is a remake or there are several "versions" as in your case, including the year allows HT to do a more accurate search
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023

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