Missing RED Light on StandBy mode

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by OndrejL, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. OndrejL

    OndrejL New Member

    Hi I am missing red light when device is on stanby mode. Light is always blue, som I dont know if is realy standby or ON.

    Can I turn on or add this feature?
  2. spring

    spring Guest

    this mode is in earlysuspend mode, it is not in the deep suspend, some app aquest the wakelock, maybe he want to access wifi and on.
  3. OndrejL

    OndrejL New Member


    sorry but i dont understand term "earlysuspend" and "deep suspend". I just want to know, if it is possible to turn it on. Or turn it on by dev on core layer
  4. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    spring, I think that OndrejL is asking about the three state of X6 that you can control through remote or internal comands, that are shown by the frontal LED in this way:
    Led OFF --> X6 powered OFF
    Led RED --> X6 in StandBy
    Led BLUE --> X6 ON
    I don't know if OndrejL means that when he put X6 in StandBy mode (with remote?) LED doesn't become red but remain blue, or if he think that when X6 goes to the Idle or Deep Sleep mode led should become red.

    Anyway, on the very first poweron of my X6 (with the original very old FW indeed), I remember that after some time of "not use" LED had switched from blue to red and X6 autonomously gone to StandBy, then I'd changed something in Setting (I don't remember what) and this behaviour disappeared.

    spring, is intelligible what I wrote?
  5. OndrejL

    OndrejL New Member

    yes yes, it is exactly what I mean. Thank you
  6. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    OK, but for clarity's sake, which of the two hypothesis ?
  7. OndrejL

    OndrejL New Member

    I mean this:
    Led OFF --> X6 powered OFF
    Led RED --> X6 in StandBy
    Led BLUE --> X6 ON
  8. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    So first hypothesis.
    spring, now you can investigate... ;)
  9. spring

    spring Guest

    Led OFF --> X6 powered OFF
    Led RED --> X6 in deep StandBy, only the DDR have power, the CPU is power down.
    Led BLUE, HDMI not output--> X6 in early standby.the CPU have power.
    Led BLUE, HDMI output--> X6 ON
  10. pjm

    pjm Member

    Mine only goes red when the TV its connected to is turned off, presumably this is a HDMI function. Unfortunately turning the TV back on doesn't wake up the Zidoo.
  11. Agmills

    Agmills New Member

    Guys i have a similar problem. The power led light no longer comes on at all since i upgrade to 1.033. the unit works fine but no led blue or red regardless what i do.. is this a fault or is there a way to turn it on or off? need to know otherwise i'm gonna send the unit back
  12. spring

    spring Guest

    Hi all:
    the android have the wakelock mechanism for the app, if one app still want to do some thing in suspend mode(early suspend, turn off the screen), and those app can require the wakelock, and the device will not into the deep suspend, then the app can run in the background.
    this is a good mechanism for android. if you install those app, and the led will not turn to red when he want to do some in the background.
  13. Agmills

    Agmills New Member

    dont think you understand. no led at all. powered on, rebooted, no app running, its almost like a blown headlight. Maybe i should just send it back
  14. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Also I think so... send it back soon!

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