Hey guys! I've been short of time but i've been exploring the Miracast / Airplay / Screenmirror / Happy Cast App ... Apparently you have several ways to do the job. Some easier, some more complete... i will guide you through the things i found interesting about this techology in my X9S. I will keep this post updated if some of you add more detailed or aditional information. If you have a Android device you have Miracast technology that you can use (remember, your device must be supported). In that case you dont have to install any app. If you want to mirror your Android device, just open Miracast app in your X9S, then search your X9S with your device. Just click it when you find it. The magic will start in a few moments. In that case, if you have your settings -> more -> Miracast Sink -> Enable miracast sink option "off", the button will automaticaly turn to "on", so you can find devices. Remember to select the option bellow (connection reminder) in your X9S, so you can authorise your device in your x9s when you ask it to mirror. (Just a note to the developers... to me doesn't make scence this last button... if you dont have it enabled, nothing will happen... it should turn on with the enable miracast button sink. This could be usefull if we could add our device to a list of trusted devices so we could bypass this reminder...). Just another note... you dont need to be at the same wifi network... this will use Wifi direct technology... you will see a strange icon on your android device. If you have a windows PC, search for WiDI or wireless display. Intel discontinued the drivers for this technology but i think windows 8 has this for default. Or ... That's here where Happy Cast appears with the simplicity of making things easier (or not... because its a alllll chineese app, you wont understand anything about it... but... its only a few buttons, its easy to understand). With Happy Cast you can mirror your Android / IOS / windows pc. HOW? Android: Just open this link with your android device: http://ftp.hpplay.com.cn/update/happycast_mobile.apk After you install the App, just open it and if you are connected to the same network... (x9s android AP wont work... you must use another wifi router in the same lan of your Zidoo) you will find the device to cast to. THAT'S IT. So easy as that. IOS For the first time, something its easier on apple devices than android. To share your apple device you just have to search Airplay devices. Swipe your finger upwards from the bottom of your screen and then click "Airplay". Chosse your X9S device. And the magic happens. Last but not least... your windows pc: Here is the link: http://ftp.hpplay.com.cn/update/happycast.exe Just install it. There you can find your X9S, just choose the way you want to cast: 1 cast all the screen 2 cast just a program (you can choose to cast only chrome for example, in that case you can open other programs... just keep in mind... the program you want to cast must be maximized) The last two software options i didnt explore them yet. Maybe you can help me on this? At the end... just click at the button and ... again... magic will happen! Hope you find this post usefull! Best regarts to all! Peter
Thanks Peter very interesting article, I would like to ask you if you can help me with airplay I connect the box with no problems but the tv is seen not to natural width but in a very small way, how can I increase the amplitude of the video in full screen? if you're wanting Italian we can also write to us in our language even in private. thank you very much.
Hey Agnul! I think that's not possible. It only shares your device screen and it mirrors the same screen resolution of your device. Thats why you can't do it. Here you have some people with the same problem.... have a look: http://utbblogs.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3114 Hope i answered your question! Best regards! P.S. If you are sharing a movie or gallery items try to use dlna!
Hello Peter thank you for your answer, I have to tell you that with the old Happycast all this did not happen when I was sending via AirPlay with iPad you could see a full screen with the new Happycast instead led to this problem. If before everything was ok I do not understand why with the new can not be done. Thanks for the attention
I'm sorry because when i read your post i start thinking in "pure" miracast. The Airplay its generated through an "interface"... so it makes things a bit tricky. i was exploring all the settings of the Happy Cast app and it only have two possible resolutions (720p and 1080p). I never used the old happy cast app because i'm kind of new on this. Can you confirm if the image was "streched" to fit all the screen or it was perfectly adapted to your tv? If the answer was the first one, its a developer question and it means the developers just change that option in the software. That way the screen won't change the aspect ratio. If the answer is the second... i rest my case because i dont know the old app, and sorry, i cant say anything more. If i could have a shot i would say... its not possible. Best regards, Peter
As you can see here: "Mirroring won't fill the TV screen. The iPad has an aspect ratio of 4:3 and the iPhone 4S or prior an aspect ratio of 3:2, neither of these will fit exactly into a TV screen which as an aspect ratio of 16:9. The Apple TV will not zoom the mirrored image, because it may well cut off information which is situated at the top or bottom of the screen." Source: Apple website - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5896096?tstart=0 You can see an airplay in action: and you will see it wont be fullscreen. If you saw a fullscreen in your tv, maybe you had some image distortion and you didn't notice, because Ipad its not like a pc that finds your aspect ratio and makes all items reposition it necessary. Best regards, Pedro
Hi, Happy Cast TV version 7.1.0 and Android version 2.8.5 and PC version 2.0.7 are all in chinese language ! There is an option to obtain English language ? Other app to screencast the video from PC-Android phone to TV ? with English language obviously.