Lost Android LAN connection to sda1

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by RoGaR, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. RoGaR

    RoGaR New Member

    Hi all,
    I can connect to my USB3 mounted drive on om X9S box through Windows no problem. I even managed to get it connected through Kodi on another Android box but then lost it and it can no longer connect. It doesn't fail outright. It spins for a while then gives up.

    The exact Android path that used to work fine is smb:// It used to work but now nothing.

    However it works fine in Windows! And all Kodi streaming services are working just fine on the Kodi box in question.

    Any thoughts as to what may be causing this?
  2. RoGaR

    RoGaR New Member


    I installed a VPN (PIA) on the Android box to help with Exodus. That changed the ip address of the box to an address outside of my internal domain. As soon as i disconnected the VPN it immediately connected to the USB drive connected to my X9S

    The interested thing is that the VPN client did not cause this problem on my Windows laptop. Oh well....

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