Some tv channels ,like the food network , start playing and then they go slow motion, for a while before going back to normal and then again they slow down what could be the problem?
the same here, I have detected it with a lot of football matches. This device is becoming a disaster with streaming.
Too many people are streaming the free channels then there is not enough bandwidth from the provider.
Yep. Confirmed. It is NOT an X6 issue, but it's related to "total bandwidth avaliable" on target server. Try to see the streaming TV channel in a different hour from usual (i.e. in the morning).
We watch live channels on Sling TV (including tseveral ESPN channels and the Food Network) almost everyday with both our Zidoo X6 and X9. They work so well that we went ahead and got rid of Directv. The only problem we've had so far with our usual streaming apps (i.e. Sling, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, NBC, CBS all Access, ABC, and The CW) was the temporary Netflix audio sync problem after one of the firmware point releases. Even when that happened, the other apps worked just fine.
Only one of my four TVs Is 4K. It doesn't need a Zidoo box. The built-in Amazon and Netflix apps do offer quite a few 4K titles. But for folks with fuzzy presbyopic eyesight, like me, 1080p and a slightly oversaturated color intensity setting will probably work just as well;-).
There are no monthly fees for the use of The CW, ABC, NBC, FOX NOW, or Youtube, apks There is no compelling reason to add another layer of bugs and complexity on top of them, by employing a piece of third- party middleware, like Kodi. I was just pointing out that some of you are mistaken about the source of the problrm watching live TV streams. I'm a retired system integrator/UNIX programmer. I've been playing around with Linux on PCs as a hobby, ever since the 1990s. So, I enjoy playing around with my Zidoos. But most of my family members don't have the time or the inclination to put up with boken links and broken apps - much less troubleshoot configuration files - just to watch a little TV. They've seen everthing that open source projects, like MythTV, XBMC/Kodi and IPTV providers can (and can't do) over the years. They just aren't interested in diching our paid subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or Sling TV for all of the familar recurring hassles that users of XBMC and its sucessors or derivatives have to endure. Fortunately, the Zidoos we have run those subscription service apps very well, with the exceptiin of a few DRM'd ones that other users have reported, which refuse to run on rooted Android devices.
Setup Plexus addon to use external app + Kodi player. Install AceStream engine. Arena Vision HD links most of the time work ok.
Very clear (and mostly I agree), but you mean that with official Amazon and Netflix apps (and/or others?) you are able to watch up to FHD videos on X6 ? I read that at least with Neflix maximum resolution with a unqualified Neflix device was SD (neither HD - 720) but maybe was a wrong information. Thanks again!
No, I was commenting about the embedded Amazon and Netflix apps in my 4K TV, not the ones available for my X6 or X9.