Linking Players Together ?

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X20' started by Johnwoto, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Hey Guys

    Im just wondering if there is a way of linking 2 players together, I have a x20 in the cinema room and a z9s in the bedroom, if I’m watching a program and not totally finished is there a way of the other player picking up the data from that machine so it will start where I left off from. I watch everything of a Qnap NAS where all my TV series and films are stored.
  2. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    This information is stored per player
  3. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Ok thanks for the info, shame that can’t be done

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