+1 Instead of making a brand new media player like Zidoo Theater, Movian is open-source and lots of developers can make fixes or improvements to it and detect bugs. It can also use plugins for streaming sites which no other app apart from Kodi can do so far. Then only an update to the app needs to be posted every time for users to install, it can work independently from the rest of the firmware and don't need new firmware to use new features. With Zidoo Media Centre and Video Player, users need to wait for new firmware every time there is an update to those apps.
Me too, but too silence from Zidoo. The thing that make me sad is that no other "modder" or "cooker" are working on X6 at all, the most they do is to rip off some part of Zidoo ROMs to inclòude in their nofficial for other brand ROMs.