Library Scan shows some albums not in alphabetical order and duplicates

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by audio58, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. audio58

    audio58 Active Member

    Guys I have my files stored a on server on our home network. In the DMP A-6 app, under "Music" I have chosen
    under Library to scan my drive and after 10-15 minutes it populates all my files.
    Under "Artists" it seems ok until I get to around the letter "K" then I notice it show artists from letter"E" and up again. Also some duplicates as you are scrolling down through the catalog. Under"Albums" I see all the artists and the albums but it's a long string to scroll through but ALL the artists are there.
    Is there a reason why under the "Artists" it is now showing the artists incorrectly as I have indicated above?I have even removed the drive from the software and then readded it again and rescanned it. I am not planning on buying a 4TB SSD to install in the unit as my music files on my server get backup up to another drive in the server every night, that way if one hard drive fails I have a backup. That is scary putting all those music files on one drive in the DMP-A6. I would make sure I have a backup created somewhere else, as those things have been known to just die.

    Update, I found by reading the operating manual you can go to main screen using the display or tablet/phone and go to "Music" in there will be the files you have scanned from your library. These are in order . They are a bit flaky using the tablet/phone as scrolling through will sometimes jump say from Arists "A" and jump to the say "E". It's not very clean but all titles are there compared to the files AP. Maybe this can be fixed in an AP update or next firmware!!
    Thanks for any info.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2023
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