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Jellyfin AndroidTV Client Thread

Discussion in 'Jellyfin for Zidoo' started by andy22, Jun 18, 2022.


    LUCASINO New Member

    The global settings are on german and it didnt override it, i tested that before.
    I can check that later when im home, on this release im not sure but i guess its not correct flagged, i guess both are "und".
    I start from the starter page and not in the library.
    My setup is via Unraid and the Jellyfin Docker, so paths like /media/Anime, /media/Serien etc.
  2. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Yeah for "und" i cant really guess much, so the tracks need to-be reflagged correctly or i find a way the server send's all audio tracks. I have this issues on my todo list, but transcoding tests via server are quite time-consuming.

    So you use "DirectPath" via smb? So how does your server network-paths look?

    PS: mhh just had a idea, can you check if the "und" audio track uses "german" "deutsch" in its actual title-name? I can add this as extra fallback logic, for bad flagged tracks, which at least have this info in the track-title name itself. Thats similar to the default/forced flags that also often get "encoded" directly into the title-names.

    LUCASINO New Member

    Yeah on short term i can try reflagg these but long term it would be nice when it works without that^^ I have over 700 Anime and check and reflagg every is a 50 hours+ job xD
    Hmm when im at home perhaps i better send pictures, in the docker you must choose on installation the Media Path in general, then in Jellyfin, Plex, Emby etc. you can choose based on this path the librarys so like /media/Anime etc.

    LUCASINO New Member

    Ok strange, i shortly downloaded the File again and this is what mkvtoolnix said. (Cant upload a picture-.-)
    Looks like both are labeled as "de" and no title, nearly all has no title i bet.
  5. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    So the logic picks the "de" track, but there are two and the other is the one you want?
    Whats the wrong one? A mislabeled "eng" track?

    LUCASINO New Member

    i guess the standard one is jpn, the other must be "de".
    I relabel them at the evening and try again, then i guess i need to know how to fix that path error^^

    LUCASINO New Member

    Allright, with relabel it worked:)
    I must test a bit, but perhaps i got a solution for the path problem

    EDIT: But now i saw another Problem^^ When you want to turn off the subtitles, they are stay there xD
  8. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Yeah mean turn them off inside the zidoo player? This works for me.
    I remember some issues with a older FW version, so what FW are you running?

    LUCASINO New Member

    Yeah when i try to watch the File yesterday in Jellyfin, there are automatically subtitles, then i press the MenĂ¼ Button go to Subtitles and turn them off, but they are still there.
    I have the V6.4.18, so newest.
  10. Hippoponderous

    Hippoponderous Active Member

    I have to ask the obvious question: are you sure that with the newly downloaded file the subs aren't actually hard-coded into the video? Can the behaviour be replicated with other files? What is the behaviour when you play the file on a different device (computer etc.).

    LUCASINO New Member

    Yeah no problem, they are not hard coded, i can switch them off without problems in the iPhone Client for example.
  12. Hippoponderous

    Hippoponderous Active Member

    Well, that's really interesting & in line with what I've been noticing with these Zidoo players: they're consistently inconsistent when it comes to playback or general behavioural issues. What presents as an issue for one user doesn't necessarily present for other users with identical or similar configurations.
    Personally speaking, since Andy22 blessed us with Jellyfin Zidoo, I haven't gone back to HT4 once, & I am having one of the best user experiences that I've ever had with any media player.
    boxerfan and thenextvision like this.
  13. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    How fast are you trying to disable the subs after playback starts?
    I need to wait around 4-6s after playback start is detected, before my subtitle/audio logic does a last final check/switch, out of legacy FW reasons. So maybe you are too fast, so can you try wait 10s after playback starts and than try too turn the subs off?
  14. MetalGear

    MetalGear New Member

    Hope you add the page up and page down button on the remote to work to make scrolling through TV shows episodes faster in the future updates. It will come in handy for Animes with lots of episodes specially.
  15. MetalGear

    MetalGear New Member

    Is there a way to turn off the next up feature? so it wont show on TV shows and not just the home menu?

    LUCASINO New Member

    I guess not that fast, but i can try it later^^

    LUCASINO New Member

    Ok now im confused i wanted to try it again but this time there are no subtitles and when you want to activate them, then there are none now btw its the exact same file.
    Perhaps a transcoding problem?
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022

    LUCASINO New Member

    Second Episode again the problem, subs turned off but they continue, and then i realize the timer stay on 00:00/00:00, you cant go forward
  19. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    mhh lets see if some system setting is causing this...

    1) disable the bookmark logic in the system settings. (Playback/Bookmarks/Display Mode = Off)
    2) disable system subtitle handling (Playback/Default Language/Default Subtitles = Off)
    3) disable system forced subtitle handling (Playback/Forced Subtitles = Off)

    check if one of those settings helps

    That's a current limitation on the Zidoo player via transcodes, have not yet found a stable way to hand a seek-able HLS or progressive http stream to the player.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2022
  20. boxerfan

    boxerfan Active Member

    What is the difference between DirectPath with/without legacy DirectPath checked?

    Mine needs the "legacy DirectPath" checked for direct play to work...

    I am just curious what is the difference....

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