Jellyfin AndroidTV Client Thread

Discussion in 'Jellyfin for Zidoo' started by andy22, Jun 18, 2022.

  1. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Beta7 is up focusing on transcoding
    • fix transcoding profiles
    • fix subtiltes/audio stream selection for transcodes
    • add more transcoding related options
    • fix some crashes
    • fix minor server playback reporting issues

    This allows you to get full automatic transcode fallback for "Hi10" or AV1 codec files or audio codecs you cant decode via TV/receiver like DTS or 5.1 aac, ogg, opus, flac.
    Check the new settings for this stuff.

    PS: Make sure you have hardware transcoding enabled/setup on the server for best results. On intel QSV aka "Quicksync" H264/HEVC works really well.
    boxerfan likes this.
  2. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Beta8 is out!
    • add default play/menu-hotkey actions to grid-views and collection types (Series, Season, Album, Playlist)
    • fix music-grid views
    • fix audio-only transcoding cases (video stream should now only transcode if codec is not supported)
    • rework/add new audio transcode options
    • general stability/bug fixes
    boxerfan and Sledgehamma like this.
  3. boxerfan

    boxerfan Active Member

    Hello Andy,

    Thank you for your effort in developing the Zidoo JellyFin client, it works really well.

    I do have a question -- while the JellyFin app is running, is it possible to create user-defined hotkeys to launch python scripts? (something like Kodi's keyboard.xml)
    Reason for asking -- I do have some scripts that control my AVR, and I would like to have hotkeys trigger the scripts.

          <equals mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</equals>
          <minus mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</minus>
          <zero mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</zero>
          <one mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</one>
          <two mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</two>
          <three mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</three>
          <four mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</four>
          <five mod="meta">RunScript(/storage/.kodi/userdata/Yamaha/</five>
  4. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Possible yes, but atm there is only support for custom play/caption hotkeys. Can add script support to the wishlist and see how it could be integrated.
    boxerfan likes this.
  5. samana

    samana New Member

    I always receive a "can't play video" error from my jellyfin server connected to google drive from
  6. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Not much info here? Whats the network setup, paths here?
  7. samana

    samana New Member

    Sorry, here is more info of various tries from the log :

    [2022-07-12 17:50:52.911 +00:00] [INF] [88] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: StreamBuilder.BuildVideoItem( Profile="AndroidTV-Zidoo-External", Path="/home/user/mounts/rclone/Movies/T/The Revenant 2015 UHD/The Revenant 2015.mkv", AudioStreamIndex=2, SubtitleStreamIndex=null ) => ( PlayMethod=DirectPlay, TranscodeReason=0 ) "media:/videos/99a18fc7-7e7a-5b12-2855-46fad6dcc7d6/stream.mkv?MediaSourceId=99a18fc77e7a5b12285546fad6dcc7d6&Static=true&VideoCodec=hevc&AudioCodec=dts&AudioStreamIndex=2&api_key=<token>&Tag=cf5718ec7efcfafd20d573b75fa71034"

    [2022-07-12 17:52:00.410 +00:00] [INF] [88] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionWebSocketListener: Sending ForceKeepAlive message to 1 inactive WebSockets.
    [2022-07-12 17:53:00.410 +00:00] [INF] [124] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionWebSocketListener: Sending ForceKeepAlive message to 1 inactive WebSockets.
    [2022-07-12 17:53:12.411 +00:00] [INF] [36] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionWebSocketListener: Lost 1 WebSockets.
    [2022-07-12 17:54:01.192 +00:00] [INF] [88] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: User policy for "admin". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
    [2022-07-12 17:54:01.193 +00:00] [INF] [88] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: StreamBuilder.BuildVideoItem( Profile="AndroidTV-Zidoo-External", Path="/home/user/mounts/rclone/Movies/T/Top Gun 1986 UHD", AudioStreamIndex=2, SubtitleStreamIndex=45 ) => ( PlayMethod=DirectPlay, TranscodeReason=0 ) "media:/videos/71444525-3ddb-4788-d939-a73af897aa9d/stream.mpegts?MediaSourceId=714445253ddb4788d939a73af897aa9d&Static=true&VideoCodec=hevc&AudioCodec=truehd&AudioStreamIndex=2&SubtitleStreamIndex=45&api_key=<token>&SubtitleMethod=Embed&Tag=543b6ca4c9f21c87d81daf7a932499c0"

    let me know if you need any more info
  8. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    mhh this is with "DirectPath" option disabled correct?

    Can you play via webclient and check the server logs?

    Also whats your hardware and FW version?
  9. samana

    samana New Member

    Correct direct path is disabled since I am connecting to a cloud server via a url.

    when I play via webclient it works

    I am using zidoo z9x latest beta and your latest apk v8
  10. lawdawg

    lawdawg Active Member

    Just wanted to thank andy22. Stood up a Jellyfin server on unraid and been using this instead of HT4 for a few weeks. It might not look quite as polished, but I LOVE not having to deal with HT4s hit and miss scanning of files. Between this and the upcoming Plex client, things are really looking up.

  11. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
    dr4go, dwalme, boxerfan and 3 others like this.
  12. samana

    samana New Member

    Did you try to fix the error I am receiving when using a cloud jellyfish server? I am still receiving the same error with this new beta.
  13. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Its a very specific issue, i cant really test. I would need to recreate your exact setup, which is just too time consuming.
    What i can do is upload a debug version and you can try use the Zidoo log tool, so i can check the client logs?

    PS: Alternative if you have ADB and dev. mode setup on the Zidoo, you can directly capture a logcat?
  14. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Btw after some pushing and moaning notice something?

    Attached Files:

    • 1.png
      File size:
      49.8 KB
    Cyclone99 and Purple like this.
  15. boxerfan

    boxerfan Active Member

    Minor feature request -- prompt user to confirm exit app.

    Quite often when I hit one too many time "ESC" key, it exit JellyFin app, and I end up in Zidoo main menu :D:D
    lawdawg likes this.
  16. lawdawg

    lawdawg Active Member

    I used to think that the double back key required by HT 4 to quite the app was annoying, now I think it was/is a great idea. Something like that in Jellyfin would be useful.

    LUCASINO New Member

    I cant switch the language in a movie or series, there is only 1 in the zidoo app but on web 2, i have all up to date, looks like a bug.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2022
  18. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Need more info on this?
    1) Is it directplay or transcoding
    2) Why you need to switch the language, the correct should be picked. What audio language settings are you using?

    LUCASINO New Member

    Sure, its in this case transcoding (which i need sometimes for Anime), there are some with 2 languages and in the settings is german selected but it takes automatically Japanese and i didnt see the german audio.
    Then i have experienced another error, something like "could not mount /path", but on the iOS App it works but on the Zidoo not.
  20. andy22

    andy22 Active Member

    Yeah if its transcoding the server sends only one predetermined sub/audio track to the client, so i have to get the selection correct so the server send the correct tracks.
    I'm not 100% sure why only the selected tracks get send, since technically ffmpeg should be able to transcode one track and still copy the remaining tracks.

    So can you check whats your global audio/sub settings and if you maybe did override this via the library settings?
    Can you also check if the anime has correct flagged audio tracks, meaning does it show "ger" "deu" language codes?
    Also from where you start the play, homepage or library?

    Not sure about this one, i need your network paths setup. The iOS app does not have any network mount logic, so just uses http.

    PS: As a workaround if it triggers the transcode because it detected 5.1 surround via ogg/aac, you can enable the "Allow none bitstream audio", otherwise if it triggers because of Hi10 video, than the selection logic needs to preselect the correct tracks.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2022

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