issues with external hard disk

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by luighi, May 31, 2018.

  1. luighi

    luighi New Member

    Hello to all.
    I have a problem with the zidoo_x6 PRO box.
    For several months now I do not read hard drives connected to usb. Or rather: sometimes it reads them and sometimes does not. Or it sees them and then when I do to enter and select a file or a folder, it goes crazy and it happens as if the box detaches them and then reattaches them, so for many times in a row and at the end, sometimes they sometimes work.
    Tested with hard drives powered by USB and hard drives powered by the current.
    Did someone happen? do you have any useful advice, other than change it?
    I noticed that after a format given the hard disk is read and works for a while but after a couple of switching on and off, it returns to work at random ..,
    it does so with its multimedia app and with zdmc: from the file manager it does not see the added hardisk ...
    The firmware is 1.0.45 (I came from the original, 1.0.39, which I tried to change as a result of this problem).
    hello Luigi

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