As in thread title, please, could someone tel me if it's possible, and how to? I already have a Samsung SE-506USB Drive, but X6 doesn't see it even if I switch it into "AV mode". May current kernel unable to handle this kind of USB drives? In this case, is it possible to add this support in a next FW release? Else, there is any app that can handle it. P.S. of course I'm using latest 1.0.25 FW... P.P.S. which player is able to fully play DVD, without ripping it or converting to iso? Thanks in advance!
Just tested this with my external DVD USB-player (HP), but it didn't work (I didn't expect that it would work). However, this would be a nice feature! Now you can select items and files from Flash/SMB/NFS sources -- what would it takes to include external DVD USB-drive to be supported?
The DVD USB drive is not seen by the box at all. Is not shown as another USB device (like pendrives and USB HDD). This is the minimum support that I like the FW should be able to give. Seems that some tablets are able to handle DVD USB drives and play DVD, so I think is something to add to the kernel. I suppose Kodi should be able to play the DVD, at least as many player do, accessing VIDEO_TS folder. I was able to play a DVD sharing it from my PC through network, but is not a rel solution
It would be a true media centre if it could play native DVD/Blu-ray format movies either through Kodi or another Android compatible player! At the moment I still have my son's PS4 connected to the main TV so my daughter can watch her favorite DVD's.
Sorry, I've just upgraded to 1.0.27, but still the DVD reader is not seen by X6 Pro. Anyway thanks for your effort.
luckily, if the drive is only a reader, now are really cheap. Burner ones, even with BD support, are around $100. Merry Christmas!
Looking around about the same argument, I've seen that ISO9660 (CDFS) should add support for CD, but for DVD is needed UDF version 1.02 support, and for Blu Ray UDF 2.50 or UDF 2.60 are needed. Anyway, support for CD/DVD is surely possible, for example some users confirm Geniatech ATV1220 with Kodi is able to play DVD disk through an external USB DVD drive, is seen as another USB device. Another device that users confirm is able to play DVD throud USB DVD drive is the Measy B4A 4K Ultra HD media player. Do you think you'll be able to add those filesystem support ? Thanks (a lot) in advance!
Hi: there must be have a DVD reader first. can you test the CD first?so we can check these no problem ISO9660,and we could more filesystem in it.