Internet radio

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by Jonathan Murray, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. Jonathan Murray

    Jonathan Murray New Member

    Hello. How can I access worldwide radio stations from the ever solo dmp-a8? Is this radio paradise?
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    ‘Internet Radio’ under ‘Streaming’

  3. Jonathan Murray

    Jonathan Murray New Member

    Thank you. How do you set the view of items vertically on the left hand side of th3 DMP....or is this a picture from the Eversolo app?
  4. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Yes, these screenshots are from iPad.

    You can change between horizontal and portrait on tablets.

    IMG_0438.jpeg IMG_0439.jpeg
  5. Jonathan Murray

    Jonathan Murray New Member

    thank you so much. I am using an iPhone. An iPad would be much better. Thanks again
  6. Clark Snyder

    Clark Snyder New Member

    Anyone know what the current working method of getting iPad control working? I have spent long frustrating hours trying. Of course there’s no way in turn to mount streaming apps in the A8!

    Any assistance gratefully accepted.
  7. Persontrek

    Persontrek New Member

    If you want to listen to radio stations from all over the world on your Ever Solo DMP-A8, just check out the 'Internet Radio' section under 'Streaming.' You’ll find tons of stations to choose from there.
  8. Mauro

    Mauro Member

    Radio Paradise

    Attached Files:

    • if.jpeg
      File size:
      767.6 KB

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