Internal DAC in dmp-8

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by Daniel N, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. fofocho

    fofocho Active Member

    What Keith is trying to tell you is that a $70 DAC that is audibly transparent (measured) will sound THE SAME as a $7000 DAC that is also transparent. So the A6 and the A8 sound exactly the same
    Nutul likes this.
  2. benma

    benma Member

    Very logical (almost audio scientific).
  3. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    I would agree but Richard sent me £10.00.
    _Richard_ likes this.
  4. Glerup71

    Glerup71 Active Member

    Fraenker, Fergus and _Richard_ like this.
  5. fofocho

    fofocho Active Member

    Glerup71 likes this.
  6. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    Make it 20£. :)
  7. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    This makes me realise just how powerful marketing is and just how technically uninformed ‘audiophiles’ have become.
  8. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    Even if that was the case, what i doubt, so what, as long as they enjoy their music, they don't go broke and some dealers (of course not you) make a good buck? Everybody is happy, except the informed and intelligent Jean Darcs of Audio.
    Fergus likes this.
  9. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    The issue is that expensive components are always marketed as an improvement an‘upgrade’ that higher price equals higher sound quality, would those products still be purchased if everyone understood that they weren’t buying improved sound quality but just a fancy case.
  10. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    Sometimes true, sometimes not.
    Fergus likes this.
  11. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    State of the art electronics are relatively inexpensive, amplifiers Purifi Eigentakt Hypex etc are as good if not better than anything at any price , a Wiim Pro is as good as a Taiko Extreme, the Eversolo are audibly transparent and thus as good as you can get.
    Measurements entirely characterise a components performance .
  12. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    No, they do not. Psychoacoustics is also involved. It's not what you measure, it's what you perceive.
    Fergus likes this.
  13. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    You can’t perceive voltage/amplitude/phase.
    Loudspeakers do most definitely sound different, but again the reasons for the difference are explicit in their measurements.
    Nutul likes this.
  14. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    Of course you can. I'll put an anode in your butt and a cathode in your mouth and i'm convinced you will perceive it.
    Fergus likes this.
  15. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Introducing the visual factor to the audio equation.
  16. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

  17. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    No jokes, please. My post is serious, while S/A is a nice guy.
  18. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    I know your post is serious and i respect it. It's just that the discussion is leading nowhere and it's creating bad blood on either side. I just want to listen to my music and enjoy it. It would be interesting to hear the opinion of an Eversolo Engineer.
    Nutul likes this.
  19. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    An engineer, you, me, Keith, Kim Jon Il or even the pope, will never agree on what each can ear, and eventually feel, while listening.
    There is a path, to at least leverage out the bigger discrepancies, but then again, seen the scenario here around, is totally useless.
    I'll go listen to some Roger Waters now... cheers.
    Barry1969 likes this.
  20. _Richard_

    _Richard_ Active Member

    Lars Danielsson Liberetto III
    Barry1969 likes this.

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