Image output with Contrast too High

Discussion in 'ZIDOO Z9S' started by, Sep 12, 2020.

  1. I apologize,

    from calibration discs and colorimetric probe, you have a correct video output at low light level, while for the high lights, practically as they are, the player burns all the highlights, that is, it has an output of d ' image with too high contrast.

    There is no need to lower the "contrast" item, it only results in a lowering of the general contrast (it is difficult to explain it, you should see it from life).

    As I said before, the result of such a high contrast means that the detail (burn) on the highlights disappear.

    That said, I was wondering if it was possible or with an apk or a software update, to lower the contrast a bit in general.
    I'll see if I can show you what I say with an image: keep in mind that at least the light bars must reach at least 235, better if they exceed it .....

    EDIT: Practically the bars that go towards 235, are so "burned" that they are almost not seen (from the photo, you certainly do not see anything) but, in the end it is just like that ......

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    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020

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