HT4 Slow Poster Refresh Issue

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    FYI. First, the hometheater folder used by HT4 is considered a "hidden" folder and for a browser to show it, you need to enable viewing of Hidden Folders. Secondly, HT4 has a cache that it uses for all that HT4 data that needs to be populated by slowly scrolling down your list of movies... including opening up your collections to let those populate. Once fully loaded in the cache, scrolling is much better, snappier... but there does seem to be occasions (which I haven't nailed down yet) in which HT4 loses this cache from time to time?? And loading up the posters in HT4 seems to be needed again.
  2. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    This is another annoying issue when handling heavy library (my case Z9X Pro - 1.400 movies/TV shows: very slow to update posters when you browse around). Let's hope they retake that matter soon.
  3. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    They won’t. Give up hope people. HT4 has been a brick for as long as I’ve had a Zidoo. If you want a feature rich and performant library use Plex, ZDMC, jellyfin, emby, etc.

    You buy a Zidoo for the SoC….not the software as they’ve made that abundantly clear.
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  4. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Zidoo is handling fine a light-med library. Memory is sufficient to improve the performance for heavier one. Let’s hope they retake attention.
    Temearoo likes this.
  5. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    I agree. For me, this is the top one in the list of the issues to solve.
  6. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Are the devops still working on fixing HT 4.0 lag issue?
    I think it's been more than four months now.
    @Markswift2003 can you confirm this with the team?
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No, I've heard nothing at all about it since August I think.
  8. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    But it was you who confirmed that the team would take care it.
    Can't you confirm the same with the team again? If you're one of the team member may be you can ask them whether they gonna fix it or not.

    Also is this issue with only low end model such as Z9X and Z9X pro and not with higher end models?
  9. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    As has been stated before.. this is a HT4 issue... as such it will affect all models with very large collections using HT4. Changes need to be made by Zidoo with their implementation of HT4's posters and fan art access.
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes I did, and yes they did, and no they haven't.

    Frustrating isn't it.
  11. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    My fix for using HT4: Select HT4 → Settings → Poster View → Poster display mode → List mode. Now you can scroll down and up the numerical-alphabet selector on the left very rapidly. If you stop on say M then it will list all the titles with M. Highlight “Manhunter” and it will display the poster and all info for that title. Once you highlight a title then click “Play” and off you go.

  12. sebna

    sebna Member

    Does the poster wall slowdown affects playback in any way or is it purely the navigation of poster wall that hurts?
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  13. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Poster wall display slowdown is not tied to any playback issues with the files themselves.. separate issues, of course.
  14. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't roll it out 100%. There are pages and pages of threads where people complain about stuttering playback and troubleshooting network and Synology NAS issue. Maybe some cases are tied into slow background scan specially if automatic refresh of sources is enabled.
  15. Question. I have not historically owned a zidoo but picked up the 1000pro. Was very happy with the gui and clearlogos.
    Once my collection started really loaded up 4000 or so poster art kept going out and crashed constantly. Is this common for large collections? Can it be fixed? I love the features but if the poster wall can't be fixed it is very upsetting. Thanks
  16. K.W.H.

    K.W.H. New Member

    4,000 posters?!?! Yeah, you long reached the maximum tolerable amount for the Zidoos to handle with their limited RAM. Personally tested it and 2-3k is about the top end before you start seeing minimizing returns in speeds.
  17. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    I would suggest anyone with a large collection see my post above, #71.

    An update, I added a FLIRC (here) to my UHD5000, programmed the FLIRC with 26 keys as in A to Z. Now to select Red 2 I click R on the remote which takes me to titles with R then use Page Down (or UP) to highlight Red 2 then press Play on the remote. I use a URC MX-980 programmable remote.
    sebna likes this.
  19. rola

    rola Member

    You wont find a roon app on it, thats not how roon works. It’s a roon ready endpoint, you can send music to it, not browse your music library. I have not tried it if it works since I use other roon endpoints like my appletv’s and my processor.
    I then use my ipads to choose what to play and there I select where to send the music.

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