Hi all, my TV Shows are located on my Windows 11 PC / SMB in folders: \\pc\video\tv-shows\title (year)\season 02\title (year) - s02e01.mkv "title (year)" from themoviedb.org In Home Theater i use the cover only wall with 5 covers each line: title A... / title B... / title C... / title D... / title E... Most TV Shows are sorted correctly by their names but some don't: title R... / title Sa... / Season 01 / Season 02 / Season 02 / Season 07 / title Sh... / title T... I then go into "Control Center" (local-IP:9528) "Poster" and change the field "Movie Title" with the blue button (more) function "Modify Data" from "Season 1" into "Title xy" and "Save". Then Home Theater on Zidoo refreshes instant. Annoying, but it works. (HT about: Version 4.2.69) But for some TV Shows it does not work. After "Modify Data" it shows me "Operation Fail". The show "Rapa" is sorted as Season 1, "Happy Valley" as Season 2, "Alice in Borderland" as Season 2. Season 1 of "Happy Valley" and "Alice in Borderland" is not on my PC. What's the reason for "Operation Fail" and what can i do? Zidoo Z9X Pro, v1.0.75_G Zidoo language is german Btw. i have always to change "Control Center" from japanese to english language every time i restart my pc.